Korekiyo X Reader |POV| Yandere

715 12 20

(Looks like someone has gotten a little lovesick here...)
|Trigger Warnings will contain Kidnapping, Rape, Bondage, and Murder.|
(This pov will contain authors notes)

|Skipping to Trial three. Everyone was targeting Korekiyo for being the possible murder. But you attempt to defend him cause you believe he isn't cause it's so obvious.|

(He is not the murderer of this trial!)

Kokichi;Are you this much of a dumbass? Or are you trying to get us all killed.

Himiko;It was clearly kiyo who murdered Angie and Tenko!

(It really...wasn't...)

Shuichi;I understand you care about him but this is a murder trial...we will all for if we don't choose the right culprit. It was hard for me to vote Kaede as well.

(Please...You have to believe me...!)

Korekiyo;...Kehehehehe....kehehehehe....Kehehehe.....Ah, yes. You have caught me, but I will not allow you to win.

|Suddenly smoking gas has surrounded the room. Almost everyone dropped to the floor in an instant, asleep as you all are.|

Korekiyo;Being the mastermind is fun when you have all of the control...I guess I got a little too...cocky.

|He then looks at you, you're still asleep.|

Korekiyo;You.....you'd be a fun toy to have...

|Many Many hours later, you woke up.|


|You then woke up, he's stabbing your classmates. He's giggling...so happily, are you next? How come you're tied up almost naked. What is going on. When will it end?|

Korekiyo;Kehehehehe....You've woke up. Your frightful face....is nothing but absolute beauty.

(You attempt to get out of the ropes.)

Korekiyo;I have told you before I have a lot of experience with ropes, why bother with the struggle?


Korekiyo;Hmmm....You know...your clothing looks quite uncomfortable on you...

(You questioned what he meant.)

|Korekiyo Then proceeded to strip you naked. He smelt like blood and your perfume/Cologne.|
(Do not ponder how the hell he stripped you even though you're tied up.)

(...S-stop it...please don't take them off...)

Korekiyo;resisting still? I can assure you I won't be violent with you...I'll just force you to start screaming in pleasure...

(You finally realized what he wanted from you now.)

Little NSFW warning. Man here I thought I'd keep the lemons to myself til page 20-25

Korekiyo;Beautiful...simply just all too beautiful. I'll make sure you'll love me forever and ever...

(W-wait are you-)

|Korekiyo then strips from his bloody clothing.|

Korekiyo;It will only hurt at first...but I promise you there will be an amazing amount of pleasure from this...

(You started screaming loudly and even fell to the ground only to start crying. There is no way out of this isn't there.)

Korekiyo;Shhh~♡ I'll lead the way. There is no need to do anything at all...except show me your sweet lovely voice as you scream in pleasure.

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