The Chief maid. Sakuya Izayoi x male reader

Start from the beginning

Marisa: Definitely, well, that doesn't matter now, I saved your life, didn't I? So you must return the favor ze!

(Y/n): What the hell!? I haven't been here five minutes and I already owe my life to someone, this is so confusing... but, I guess I have no choice, I will follow her until I can find someone more prudent to receive directions on how to return...

(Y/n): Okay.

He quickly checked his backpack hoping that his video game had not been broken, after being relieved to see it complete, he closed the backpack and followed the young woman.

Marisa: Well, make sure you follow me all the time once we enter, even the smallest step could get you lost among many rooms, once we get to the library, you will take as many books as you can and be careful if you see a girl with purple hair or a red hair , if so you're dead ze.

They both went through the gate silently so as not to wake the gatekeeper. Once inside, Marisa was in charge of defeating the maids that were near the corridor.

Marisa: Quick, we have a clear path!

The witch went at a speed that the young man barely reached, but one way or another, dodging the attacks of more maids who were chasing them from behind, they managed to reach the library section.

Marisa: Well, we passed the easy part, try to be careful with the books you grab and remember, if they catch you, you're dead ... well, we have to divide ourselves, good luck!

Before the young man could say anything, Marisa was already gone, leaving him completely terrified, but again, having no other choice, began taking books, putting them in his backpack and advancing cautiously. His backpack was already full, so he had to rearrange what was inside to avoid crushing his video game.

As he pulled it out of his backpack, it fell from his hands, so he tried to pick it up, but before he could do it, a delicate hand took it and brought it closer to the young man.

???: I guess this is yours.

The boy jumped a little scared, thinking it was one of the two girls the black and white witch mentioned, but after glancing at the girl in front of him, he realized that she had silver hair. 'What should I do then, they didn't tell me anything about this girl' he thought, leaving the girl 

still with the video game in her hands.

He realized and took the video game with some shyness before the beauty of the girl.

(Y/n): Thank you, and sorry for not reacting in time.

???: You don't have to worry about that... although, for the sake of my lady I find myself in the need to ask, what is a human, who is obviously from the outside world, doing in my mistress's mansion?

(Y/n): I...

He stepped back a bit, but tripped over her backpack, which being half open she pulled out the books at the same time the boy hit the ground.

???: Interesting.

The boy feared for his life, until an explosion was heard in the other room. The witch ran out with many books in hand, her hat had small flames and her dress was dusty, she approached and quickly grabbed the books that she (Y/n) had collected.

Marisa: Okay buddy, that was it, you've paid off your debt, see you!

(Y/n): What!? Wait for me!

When the boy tried to run, he was quickly grabbed by the shirt, a red-haired girl with small wings on her head was the one who held him, and behind her, was the purple-haired girl, neither of 

Gamatoto's Collection: Male Reader x Female CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now