Epilogue 1: So Bad

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"Oh my goooodddd your body is so insanely sexy right now," Casey says, sauntering across the hotel room to stand behind Izzie, perching her head on Izzie's shoulder and beginning to reach inside her robe.

"Oh yeah?" Izzie says with amusement, patting moisturizer on her face. "So my swollen ankles are really doing it for you huh?"

The international track competition that they are in London for is tomorrow but they've been here for a week, acclimating to the time zone. Izzie has been working remotely and leading conference calls at all hours from an adjoining suite with a backdrop of the London skyline visible through the window behind her. After being with the company for almost a decade she has a lot of responsibility. And a salary to match it. She's taking the opportunity to meet with clients while she's in town and checking in on the London office. She takes naps when she can but so far the trip seems to have been more energizing than exhausting for her. They've been relaxing and sightseeing with Kate, whenever Casey isn't training and preparing, and Izzie has been inhaling the local food and desserts with orgasmic pleasure.

"God..." she'd said recently, through a mouthful of some fluffy pastry that Casey can't remember the name of, "Why does everything taste so amazing when you're pregnant?"

Casey had been worried about Izzie traveling while pregnant. Because, what if something happened? But the doctors had assured them that at 7 months she was far enough from full term and healthy enough to make the trip. As long as they had a plan for what to do in an emergency. Casey had printed out a list of local hospitals and maps for how to get there along with all the emergency numbers they'd need before they even started packing, just in case.

Now as she watches Izzie in the mirror, and gropes the firm, round bulge under her robe she can't help but admit she's glad Izzie is here.

"I don't mind your swollen ankles," Casey says softly, untying her robe and pulling it open.

Izzie watches her in the mirror.

"And I fucking love your swollen tits," she says cupping her hands around them, and squeezing lightly, making Izzie smile and tilt her head back onto Casey's shoulder.

With her fingertips Casey traces the faint blue lines of the now visible veins branching down into Izzie's breasts. Then the thin line that runs up the center of Izzie's round stomach.

"And your belly," she murmurs.

She buries her face in Izzie's neck.

"God let's have like at least ten more kids after this," she mumbles into Izzie's hair as her hand slides back over her belly and down toward the space between Izzie's legs.

Izzie laughs and pulls away, retying her robe.

"Well, I'm glad you feel that way," she says, mischievously, walking toward their bags.

Casey follows her, sinking down on the bed as Izzie rifles through her suitcase.

"Because look what IIIIIII brooouuught," Izzie practically sings, taking out a small bag.

As she takes the few steps back toward the bed she pulls something out of the bag and drops it on the mattress in front of Casey. Their wrist restraints. Casey's smile falters. She sighs.

"Iz..." she says gently, "I don't think it's a good idea."

Izzie frowns and drops the bag on the bed next to the restraints with a thunk.

"Commonnnnn Case it's been like... 4 months!" she all but groans, scrunching her forehead adorably and sitting down onto her knees.

"Yeah I know!" Casey says defensively, hanging her head. "Since you started... showing."

Izzie's eyes soften as she regards Casey. Casey peeks up at her cautiously.

"I'm too afraid of hurting you," she murmurs, leveling a pleading look at Izzie. "Both of you."

Izzie smiles ruefully and reaches out to cup Casey's face. She caresses Casey's cheek lovingly with her thumb.

"You went through so much to get pregnant," Casey pleads softly. "I don't want to take any risks. Let's just keep things... vanilla, until after the baby's born."

Izzie sighs and smiles softly at her.

"Baby, do you really think I, of all people, would take any unnecessary risks?" she says soothingly, stroking Casey's face with both hands now.

Casey's eyes wander wistfully over Izzie's face.

"The doctor says it's fine," Izzie croons, standing up on her knees and slowly untying her robe. "As long as you don't actually restrict my oxygen or circulation and you stay away from my stomach."

She holds her robe open, widening it as Casey sits up taller, her lips parting involuntarily. Izzie's dark eyes pierce into her, burning her as she lets her robe fall off her shoulders.

"And I won't lay flat on my back..."

Casey moves closer and reaches a hungry hand out to slide around the smooth, taut skin of Izzie's belly.

"It'll be fine," she says soothingly.

Casey lets out a shaky sigh.

"And besides," Izzie continues, locking eyes with Casey and pouting timidly, "I've been soooooooooo bad."

As she speaks, her earnest, innocent face spreads into a wicked smile. She giggles and quirks her eyebrows in a playful challenge. Casey feels the throb between her legs as heat rushes through her body. She can't resist the urge to smile back at Izzie indulgently. She rolls her eyes and sighs sharply with mock irritation.

"Fine," she says, rising onto her knees.

Izzie grins at her triumphantly.

"Ughhh... you're the worst," Casey laughs, and gives her a quick, gentle push, sending her sprawling backward onto the pillows.

Izzie licks her lips eagerly as Casey picks up the wrist restraints.


End Note:

This one was inspired by a message board I read once when I was pregnant. A woman was asking for advice about how to safely have a threeway while pregnant. I thought it was amazing and practical but all the commenters ate her alive and slut-shamed her. I reported them all as abusive obviously. I wasn't as open then as I am now but the whole thing got me thinking about how our culture views pregnant woman and what it would be like for a pregnant woman to take full sexual agency and not allow her body's current state to interfere with her desires (while still being safe.)

I didn't go into details, so you can use your imaginations. If anyone has experience with this I hope you'll write your own chapter that I can read <3

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