Safe Word

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I really agonized about whether to post this chapter here. I've been posting this whole story over on Archive of Our Own too and have had some really great, important conversation in the comments with the readers about this chapter and about queer sex scenes/stories in general. I highly recommend checking out those comments. WattPad feels like it has a younger audience so please be aware this is definitely an "18 and over" type of chapter. If a teen happens to read this and get their mind blown I hope you'll head over to the comments at Archive Of Our Own and interact with the adult queers over there to ask questions and such.

CW/TW: light CONSENSUAL BDSM, breath play (choking,) some pretty filthy dirty talk and kink fantasizing.

*Please read the Chapter Notes at the end, when you're done!

I'm sorry and you're welcome.


Casey's body feels heavy. Lethargic and relaxed. She's snuggled deep under the covers of Izzie's bed. It feels late. God, what time is it? She feels the deep sleep she'd stirred from pulling her under again. There's a subtle shift of the mattress. Izzie lowering herself into bed, being as silent and careful as possible. Trying not to wake her. Casey squints open her eyes. She can see Izzie's body language in the faint light of the moon and the streetlights filtering in through the closed blinds. She's tense and stooped. Her head hangs. It's been a rough day. Izzie relaxes into the bed with a long, exhausted sigh. Lazily, Casey rolls over and wraps an arm around her, burrowing into her hair. Izzie sighs and glides her hand over Casey's arm.

"What time is it?" Casey mumbles.

"Shhh, it's late," Izzie whispers, turning to kiss Casey on the forehead, "Go back to sleep. Sorry I woke you."

Casey wraps her body around Izzie, spooning her. It's "busy season" at the public accounting firm Izzie works for and as an entry level employee she is working practically around the clock to help her team reach their deadlines. She's working Saturdays all month, and told Casey she'd be late, not to wait up. That she'd join Casey for her Sunday morning run; the shortest one of the week. And even though her own apartment isn't far away, Casey decided to sleep over so they could see each other first thing. And honestly, Casey prefers sleeping in Izzie's bed. It feels somehow cozier and smells of Izzie. But being in Izzie's bed has always been a huge turn on for Casey and she'd fallen asleep trying to decide if it would be weird to masturbate there, without Izzie.

Now that Izzie is here, all warm and soft and sleepy Casey feels a familiar throb between her legs. But, although she can't see the clock, it feels really really late. So late it might actually be early. There is no way Izzie will be up for anything right now. Absently Casey strokes Izzie's side with her thumb and buries her face in Izzie's hair as she tries to relax back into sleep. But after a few more minutes she still doesn't feel sleep pulling at her. In fact she feels more awake than before. Izzie's breathing hasn't slowed either. Her posture is rigid and she keeps shifting, as if she can't get comfortable. Casey takes a deep, relaxing breath and lazily dips her fingers under the oversize t-shirt Izzie is wearing to stroke the bare skin of her upper thigh and hip. Maybe if she can help Izzie relax she'll be able to fall asleep too. Izzie sighs at the feeling; a long, breathy sound.

Good, Casey thinks. It's ok. I'm here. You can sleep.

But then Izzie presses back into Casey, ever so slightly. It's a small, urgent movement. But in the silent, still void of late night it may as well be a shout.

Casey is wide awake now. But, other than her wandering hand, she stays perfectly still. Slowly she slides her fingers up to stoke Izzie's stomach, the dip of her waist, the underside of one breast. Izzie presses back again. Stretches and sighs. Casey's fingers slip around to trace Izzie's ass, the curve where it meets her thigh, then the backs of her thighs. All the while she uses just her fingertips. Izzie's breath hitches and she arches her back, giving Casey better access. Casey's blood is racing through her veins now and she has to hold herself back from moving too fast; wanting to give Izzie an out, at any point, to just go to sleep. She begins to stroke Izzie's pussy, from behind, over her underwear with feather light fingers. Izzie's breath stutters and she widens her thighs, shifting onto her stomach a bit. Eagerly Casey props herself up on one elbow and strokes with a bit more earnestness, though still very gently. Izzie presses into Casey's hand and her hips rock slightly. Her face is still turned away but Casey lowers her mouth to the side of Izzie's neck and begins to slide her lips up and down the warm skin there, kissing lightly and nuzzling. Izzie's breath is gradually speeding, as she undulates her hips slowly and presses into Casey. Casey's fingers slip sideways into her underwear, finding the silky heat there, still stroking her from behind. Her fingers continue their lazy, gentle path, right up Izzie's center and then back and, shit, Izzie is really responding to this angle.

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