That's What She Said

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Thanks for all the love! Adding two chapters. Let me know what you think


It has become a tradition; Izzie taking Elsa out for her birthday. Actually they always go out for Izzie's birthday too. Sometimes with friends, or Izzie's siblings. But Izzie always takes Elsa out on her birthday alone. And pays.

Elsa always says, "Izzie, you don't have to do this!"

But it means something to Izzie to buy Elsa dinner. Even when money is tight. It's one small way once a year that she can, if not repay, at least say thank you for everything Elsa does for her. Has done for her. It's a way to show Elsa what she means to her. Izzie thinks Elsa knows this, which is why she allows it. This winter has been busy and they've only seen each other a few times since the holidays. That made this dinner all the more special. They'd gone to a cute, small BYOB near the mall that Izzie had been eyeing up for a few months. They'd talked about school and Izzie's plans for after graduation and Elsa had gotten Izzie's advice for ways to scale up her hairstyling business. Over the last year their relationship had become more reciprocal... more like peers and less like a mother and daughter. Though Izzie would always see Elsa as something of a mother to her, it made her feel proud to know that Elsa saw her as an adult, respected her and actually loved spending time with her, as a friend, not a charity case.

Their server, Carolyn, had opened their wine for them and asked what they were celebrating assuming, as most people did, that Izzie was Elsa's daughter. Elsa had replied that they were celebrating friendship and then Carolyn had asked them how they became friends. Poor Carolyn looked so confused when Izzie casually said "I used to date her daughter." Then Elsa had pissed Carolyn off by changing her order three times and adding a side dish at an inopportune time and for whatever reason the barely concealed annoyance on their server's face had sent them into a giggle fit. Maybe it was the giddy joy at being together after not seeing each other for almost a month or maybe it was the wine but after that they struggled to contain their laughter every time the poor server came to pour more water or take away a dish. It wasn't that they were laughing at her, it was more that they were laughing at themselves and what ridiculous customers they were being and how impossible it was for them to stop even though they were trying. Then Izzie had run into that same server in the line to the bathroom and tried to make awkward small talk and then had literally run into her, almost knocking her over, on her way back to the table... because Izzie wasn't watching where she was going... and none of it should have been funny but instead it was all soooo funny. Izzie had left the server a huge tip, smiled apologetically and then they'd continued laughing all the way to the car and reminisced about other funny memories they had on the way home.

Elsa had driven since Gabby had Izzie's car for the night so when they arrived at the Gardner residence Izzie had gone in, planning to wait the 30-40 minutes until Gabby could pick her up after work. Izzie's heart felt warm and full as she walked up the Gardner walkway with Elsa, wrapped in the cozy familiarity and relief of an evening spent laughing with a close friend. A friend who had seen her through good times and terrible times. The Gardner residence was a familiar place after all. A place filled with wonderful memories.

Elsa had struggled to get her key in the door and they'd burst into a fit of laughter about that since Elsa had only had one glass of wine, on account of needing to drive them home, compared to Izzie's three.

"Maybe if you drink more wine, not less," Izzie had joked, trying to help her with the key.

"I don't understand why it won't go in!" Elsa said, stepping back so Izzie could try.

And Izzie, tipsy on wine and happiness had replied, "Uhhh that's what she said??"

Elsa had gasped, scandalized and delighted, saying, "Izzie!"

Then the key had shifted suddenly and they'd both practically fallen through the door laughing at how ridiculous it all was.

Now they are scrambling out of their coats, laughing and talking as they take their shoes off.

Elsa chuckles, "I think I'd better have more wine before anything else goes wrong. Do you want some?"

Izzie, struggling with the zipper on her remaining boot, looks up to say "No thanks, I'm good" but the words die in her throat because Elsa is standing totally still and silent. She's staring at... Casey.

Izzie's mind goes blank. Casey is standing in the doorway to the kitchen, hands at her sides and a stunned expression on her face. Izzie feels a jolt of electricity snap through her chest and a disorienting sense of past and present and future getting momentarily all mixed up. Casey is here. Now. She tries to take a breath but her lungs don't move.

"Casey," Elsa squeaks. "You're home!"

Casey's hair is much shorter than the last time Izzie saw her. The shorter style accentuates her natural waves and her long neck. She seems taller somehow- or maybe just more muscular.

"Casey?" Elsa tries to get her attention.

There's a powerful self assurance to Casey's posture, even as unmoored as she currently looks, that makes Izzie's knees feel like jello. Her face is narrower. Her jawline is more pronounced. But she has the same full lips and elegant features as always. And her eyes... Her familiar, unfamiliar eyes are wide. Startled. She's staring directly at Izzie and Izzie feels pinned under her gaze. Totally immobile. Before she can stop herself Izzie imagines what it would feel like to run her fingers through Casey's short waves.

"Honey... are you ok?"

Elsa gently touches Casey's arm, which does seem to rouse her. She glances back and forth between Izzie and Elsa a few times.

"Surprise," she says weakly.

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