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Izzie stops stirring her coffee to glance down at the text message that just popped up on her phone.

So I heard you guys are coming over for a big bakeoff tomorrow

Why do you need 24 pies?

She smirks. She'd come home last night and quietly curled up next to Chloe with her mind spinning. She stared at the ceiling for at least half an hour wondering if she had just made a huge mistake deciding that she really has to tell her therapist, Sonia, about Casey now. It felt so good, touching Casey like that. Being touched. Seeing her come. Hearing and feeling her come. It lit Izzie on fire in a way that nothing had done for a really long time. Had she pressured Casey? In hindsight she realizes she had been drunker than she thought. She had come on strong. Really strong. What had she been thinking? Would Casey resent her once she'd had time to process what happened? But Casey hadn't seemed resentful, or even regretful, when she kissed her. And what was that about? What did that mean? Izzie fell asleep hoping she hadn't just thrown a huge grenade into the friendship they'd so carefully cultivated over the past couple months.

So Casey's texts this morning come as a huge relief. She takes her coffee over to the table and sits down. The morning sun is slanting through the mini blinds in a bright, hopeful way. She can see dust motes floating in the beams of light. Chloe is watching cartoons and Dylan is still passed out on the couch. The happy, silly sounds of cartoons bounce around the inside of their apartment. How does Dylan sleep through this? Izzie smiles, remembering the exhaustion of being a teenager. She had only been a little older than Dylan when she met Casey. Gabby is taking a Saturday morning class and will be home by lunch. Izzie opens her text thread with Casey.

Haha I was just about to text you about that

It's all Gabby's doing. Something about a bake sale for Chloe's summer camp. Your mom's so great for letting us use her kitchen!

Casey's response comes immediately.

It's all she's been talking about all morning. She just went shopping for "basics" "just in case"

Izzie grimaces.

oh no! I told her she doesn't have to do anything!

She takes a sip of her coffee. Steam rises invitingly from the cup, warming her face.

Are you kidding? She's never been happier. You know she's gonna be, like, HIGHLY involved right?

Izzie laughs. This feels good. Casey's clearly not upset or weirded out or anything.

Yeah I guess that tracks haha. Well we'll be happy to have her help.

Her phone buzzes again.

And I'll be around too so I can help... or hinder

Provide comic relief

You know, whatever the situation calls for...

A wide smile spreads over Izzie's face.

Hah that sounds great. Looking forward to it

When Izzie and her sisters arrive the following day Elsa greets them with her apron and comfy shoes on, a pile of extra aprons in her arms and a bright, enthusiastic smile. After all the hugs and greetings and donning of aprons they begin to unpack and set up stations in the kitchen with Gabby directing.

"Ok, let's do the fruit station here, pie crusts there, assembly here..."

She spins as she speaks, pointing to the different areas.

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