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I was more nervous about this chapter than like any other chapter I've written, lol

Hope you like it

Also- I find the commenting feature of this app difficult to figure out. Please know I see all your comments and they really mean a lot to me! <3


Casey struggles to get a deep breath as she approaches the coffee shop. She feels unbearably nervous. When she'd agreed to meet up with Izzie she knew it would be awkward but in no way she had anticipated the level of anxiety currently eating her alive. Meeting up with an ex after years of not speaking was inherently awkward. And sitting across from each other at a small table under bright lights, in a quiet space, drinking a beverage designed to make them more jittery and alert? What had she been thinking? Izzie had offered some different options: a wine bar, fast food dinner or coffee. Casey had chosen coffee because it had seemed the most casual option. Now she is really regretting it.

Light streams out of the shop window as she approaches. She has taken care to be right on time. Not early and definitely not late. Through the glass door she sees Izzie standing at the counter. Her earrings dance as she smiles and chats with the barista behind the counter. She's wearing shorts that show off her toned legs with boots and a blazer serving as a jacket. Her dark hair falls in a cascade of natural, uneven waves, past her shoulders. Casey swallows and tousles her own hair a bit. She used a little product to tame her waves and can't help hoping it looks ok. She opens the door and enters, quickly shoving her shaky hands deep into her pockets.

Izzie glances up immediately, smiling and giving a small wave. Casey smiles back and is surprised by the way this small interaction takes the edge off her nerves.

Izzie watches her as she walks up to the counter, taking a deep breath, and smiling widely.


The barista is just sliding a cup of tea across the counter to her.

"Hi," Casey says, smiling back.

Her own smile feels awkward and unfamiliar. And there is a moment where it seems like they might hug or shake hands or something. But both of those actions feel wrong to Casey. She mentally searches for a third.

"Um, I'll get us a seat," Izzie says, upbeat, turning to take the cup and saucer carefully.


Casey orders a latte and pays for it. She scans the room while she waits for the barista to make it. Izzie has blessedly found a couch in the back that will give them each enough space to not sit too close, but still have a little privacy and not require them to stare across a table at one another. Casey breathes a sigh of relief and takes her latte, dropping a dollar in the tip jar.

As she sits down Izzie asks, politely, "Is this ok?" indicating the couch.

"Yeah," Casey says lightly, getting settled; putting her cup on the low table and bending over to reach for a sugar packet. "What kind of tea did you get?"

"Peppermint!" Izzie says, glancing down as she dunks her tea bag. "I can't do caffeine this late any more."

"Ah," Casey nods, stirring the sugar into her drink, grateful for a reason to not need to hold Izzie's gaze quite yet.

She can feel Izzie's eyes on her. Can feel her bursting with unasked questions. It strikes her as surprising that she can still read Izzie this well, after all these years. She hadn't even thought to wonder about that.

"I still hardly drink it at all," Casey offers, glancing up. "Or eat sugar... or dairy," she continues with a small eyeroll.

Izzie chuckles, all too familiar with Casey's restricted diet.

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