"Father, is it ethical to send her to that foreign nation?" the crown prince doubted the King's decision as why the most powerful King of the most prosperous Kingdom would send his only daughter for, as the means of a bond between the kingdoms, that too a political one.

To other nations it might be an honour to get a Royal marriage proposal from Daegu and the princesses would happily accept it at once without a second thought, since the hospitality was generous for the people they invited; or would be forced by their parents to accept it against their will , only to strengthen their nations , again, for political purposes. But, it wasn't a similar case for this kingdom and it's ruler. Although Gwacheon wanted a good relationship with Daegu as long as possible but the King wouldn't sacrifice his daughter for it. After the decrease in the Royal blood line and his wife's unexpected heartbreaking death, the King promised himself to protect his children at all cost. Hence, he raised them with a silver spoon ensuring their safety and soundness.

" I know, she is our sister and our father's only daughter , hence; you seem to care a lot about her but she's the only righteous princess of this land, and our mother comes prior than any of our personal relationships. It's a excellent way to strengthen our bond with them." Taehyung interjects between their conversation, he snaps his fingers and elects a wide smile with sparkling eyes. He has always been practical and realistic when it comes to their nation. A disappointing look spreads across the elder's features, she was still their sister, he thought, "Would have thought about her happiness for once, in lifetime."

The second prince noticed the other's stern, peering look, " She has to marry someone, one day or the other, anyways." he shrugged off, composing his frame as an unbothered one. Jin was glaring, burning the younger's skin. Taehyung shifts his posture to focus only at the king,their father. The king stays silent the whole time and rather expects his daughter to speak something...even if it's her denial to the proposal.

The king had already had taken her silence as a 'no' but he wanted her to utter it in words , herself. She suddenly speaks up.

" You want me to marry the King's son , the future of Daegu?" Nari questioned her father halting her bothers' argument, in a cold undertone while boaring the ground under her feet as if the plates underneath the crust would shift for her, and she could just jump into the hole as an escape .

"Father she can't do that! I think we should-" Seokjin almost shouted sensing his sister's immobility and bottoning-up for a long moment, lines of concern clearly visible on his forehead while he checked his sister.

" I'll do it." She cuts the eldest prince, clutching her skirt she breathed out, heavens knew how pleased she was; she had heard about the prince before, but never got to know about him personally, he's brilliant, he's an ace with swords, he's handsome and the ladies who have seen him drools in bright day light dreaming about, and what not? Well...all that suits better on the lips of a fantasy (novel) narrator  than the maidens because, 'cause the words uttered through their mouth are mostly the sweetest lies and fantasized rumours, the princess knew.

This would give her a chance to know about him, ironically for rest of her life, she thought.

"But-" Seokjin tried to refrain her from taking decisions influenced by emotions; and rather to think more rationally. He wouldn't allow his sister to play the role as the goat for sacrifice, for her kingdom, when he saw how vulnerable she was, he saw her.

" I solemnly agree to the betrothal, if that means I'm fulfilling my part of responsibilities as a princess. " The princess announces moving past her mixed feelings, contemplating rationally and logically, in a more determined tone. She knew what she was doing!

"You don't have to agree it under any pressure. Think wisely before you decide and answer." , the King urges her to rethink her decision, "You are still my child, if you don't agree with it , it'll be fine. If you agree once their won't be a way back,you know that, right?", resting his arm on the arm of the throne he twitches his left eye brow. The nobelmen were silent the whole time as they thought it would be best at the moment, the king was having more of a family conversation than an official and they believed there wasn't a necessity to comment in between.

" Yes, your majesty !" She looks straight into the kings eyes with a reassuring smile. Her eyes hold the glimpses of her mother, the king closes his eyes heaving the deepest breath which he probably was holding for a long time. The nobelmen couldn't be more happy to hear the princess's approval. The only one who was against this idea was none other than the crown prince of Gwacheon. He cared for Nari's happiness against any form of luxurious or lucrative chance to expand their alliance with the Kingdom  of powerful forces, Daegu.

Something didn't settle in him, even after hearing his sister's approval to the Royal proposal.

"Nari...are you hiding something from me?" He questions but nothing comes out of his mouth. He clenches his jaws instead.

Apologies in advance for any kinda typos. :)♡

𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚎 (𝐌𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢 𝐅𝐅)Where stories live. Discover now