He storms out of the lounge, making an short, a really short eye contact with Soobin before leaving them alone.

His shoulder still hurts a lot, making him stumbling his way. He let out a painful hiss as he takes each, small step forward until he loses his balance. His feet instantly give up which makes him driving directly against the wall outside the lounge.

The blonde let out a painful yelp, shuting his eyes in hope to recede the keenly ache. His breath becomes unsteady so he takes a deep breath first while his hands grips his shoulder tight.

"Taehyun?? Shit, uh baby i've to go after him. I need to take care since his manager got a high fever recently." Yeonjun excuses briskly, breaking the hug.

"P-please don't go."

Soobin claws onto the other's wrist, digging his eyes fully onto the raven haired guy. Yeonjun frowns.

This only cause him to sense something, something he cannot predict telling by his the male in front of him sags down his upper body. 

Near the wall, Taehyun stays quiet on his spot, carefully caressing the wound on his nape to calm himself down from the nonstopable pain. He dearly wants to leave this place for god sake but there is no way how he could move out from here.

"Baby, you are not okay at all...what is the matter?" Taehyun hears Yeonjun ask.

Gosh, he really wants to get out from here. No offense to Yeonjun, but he doesn't want to waste his time here only to listen to their lovely dovely sweet-talk when he fights with the cramps, basically next to them.

He put all the strength at once before he tries to lift himself away from he wall but his torso get heavy so he just plunge back on where he was.

He doesn't defer to release a following whimper, since his still keep in mind that the two love birds might get disturb by this awful sounded noises of him.

"Alright, hopefully they don't do nasty things in there"

"Um okay, i'll tell you but don't get mad please."

Yeonjun raises one eyebrow, slightly tilting his head.

"I'm fine unless you are cheating on me." he then makes a joke which make the other even more serious.

Yeonjun gulps at the reaction at one go.

"You aren't, right?"

Soobin looks down on his feet, looking somehow in pity, which makes the older's curiousity growing.

"A-aren't you?"

"No, no, of course not! No, it's about something else but...i don't...i don't know. I feel so securely on the way earlier on."

"You don't have to-"

"But i want to, okay! There is this one offer for a new serie and i got an appointment but it is set in a...america."

Yeonjun once sweet smile fades away.

A this point, Taehyun instantly leans his already percking ears against the wall. It's like magic that the pain somehow manages to go away.

"T-that's awesome." The blonde hears Yeonjun saying in a sad tone.

"And what should i do? Should i accept the offer? Or should i not? I don't want to leave you here alone"

"It's okay, we will find another way. I-i know there is a..."

Yeonjun pauses a while as a not so bad idea pops up in his mind. A smile, that shows his teeth, forms on his lips again, making Soobin knitting his brows.

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