Diavolo-Enchanted Pudding Pt. 4 (SFW)

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I was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling of my new room. I was trying, and failing, not to think about what Diavolo said and did just an hour ago. He'd...always cared for me? I couldn't wrap my head around it. And that kiss was so intense. This time my pheromones weren't to blame for it, he'd done it because he wanted to.

Barbatos had come down moments after Diavolo had walked off, informing me that my room was ready. I'd followed him, not catching so much as a glimpse of Diavolo as we walked through the castle. To be honest, I hadn't been sure I wanted to. It was almost too much after what just happened. We walked up to a room just down the hall from Diavolo's room and I mentally groaned. It was somehow worse knowing he would be sleeping just down the hall from me.

Barbatos left, claiming he needed to make breakfast and I'd spent the next hour replaying everything that happened in the last 24 hours over in my head. How had my life turned upside down in such a short time? I wanted to go back, before any of this happened. Actually, I wanted to go back to before I'd been forced to be a part of the human-demon exchange program. My life had been kind of sad, but uncomplicated. Now I had the next Demon Lord professing his feelings for me and asking me to start a relationship with him.

And, of course I felt things for him. Once I'd been brought down here, I saw him and thought he was the most handsome person I'd ever seen. And to make things better, he was so kind, smart, and funny. I knew I'd been in the way of having feelings so I pushed them aside and forced myself to forget them. Now I was in danger of them returning stronger than before. And the problem was, I didn't think I could just ignore them this time.

That kiss was running through my mind on repeat. It was so intense. I'd give most anything to have more of it. His taste was so unique, so heady that I couldn't get enough. I'd thought that last night too when he kissed me. And he held me so close today that I felt his whole hard body against mine. I knew he must be muscular based on what I'd felt, and I shivered as I remembered his arousal pressing against me through his pants. My imagination began moving in a very dangerous direction, and I mentally slapped myself. I was not going there, not until I'd decided what I was going to do.

I jumped in my skin when a knock sounded at my door. "Yes?" I called.

"Breakfast is ready, if you wouldn't mind coming down to the dining room." Barbatos called through the door.

I groaned to myself, somehow just knowing I'd be seeing Diavolo again. I wasn't ready for that.

"Alright, I'm coming."

I walked through the huge castle down to the equally huge dining room and, to my not-so-great surprise Diavolo was there, sitting at the far end. I grimaced when I realized Barbatos had placed my plate and cup at the seat just across from Diavolo's. Of course I'd have to sit next to him. I was so physically aware of him now that I'd probably still feel his presence just as strongly at the other end of the table. Diavolo avoided my gaze as I took my seat, and I immediately felt guilty. If he really cared for me, I could definitely understand why he'd been hurt by my words.

We sat through the meal in awkward silence. Once we were both done eating and Barbatos collected our plates, Diavolo finally turned to me. He seemed a bit uncomfortable.

"Y/n, I wanted to say sorry about earlier. I hope you can forgive me for kissing you without your permission. I was upset and wanted to prove my feelings, but that's no excuse. I hope I didn't make you too uncomfortable." He apologized sincerely.

I blushed. Oh, I was uncomfortable alright, but in a very different way than he meant. "No, it's fine. I wasn't uncomfortable. I wanted to apologize too for saying things that might have hurt you. I wasn't trying to, I just honestly believed you didn't feel that way for me at the time."

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