Diavolo-Enchanted Pudding Pt. 3 (SFW)

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After an extremely fitful sleep full of Diavolo's face, I was woken up by arguing outside of the bedroom door.  I was too groggy to make out what they were saying, but it was clear it was about me.  I rubbed my eyes and tried to wake up fully.

The voices outside quieted and the bedroom door opened to reveal Barbatos, with Diavolo peering over him at me.  I sat up and stretched, wondering what was going on.  Before I could ask, Barbatos walked in and stood by the bed.  I was a little nervous after what happened yesterday, and I wasn't the only one.  Diavolo looked upset and concerned as Barbatos approached me.  Barbatos simply stood and watched me without saying a word.  I looked between the two demons curiously, wondering what was going on.

"Barbatos, don't do this."  Diavolo warned, seeming unsure.  

Barbatos ignored him and reached forward to touch my forehead.  Diavolo let out an angry grunt, and I noticed him clenching his fists tightly to his side, but he didn't move to stop his butler.  Barbatos' hand on my head vividly reminded me of what Diavolo had done the day before and I waited for the heat to run me over like a truck once again.  After several minutes passed and nothing happened, Barbatos sat on the bed near my feet and reached out to grab my hand in his.  This time Diavolo was not as okay with the contact as last time.  

"Barbatos, let her go and step away right now."  

His voice took on a cold, regal quality I'd never heard before.  It made me feel compelled to do what he ordered, even though his words weren't directed at me.  Barbatos looked at Diavolo for a second before he complied, walking back to the doorway.  Barbatos looked contemplative, and I couldn't tell what the point of that dangerous experiment was.

"Could somebody please explain what just happened?"  I asked, my morning voice a little husky.

Barbatos turned to me and gave a polite smile, hiding some sort of emotion behind his usual mask.  "I have a theory about you two.  What just happened proved it."

"It didn't prove anything." Diavolo seemed upset.  I, on the other hand, was still very much in the dark.

"And...?"  I prompted impatiently.

"The black thorn pudding was supposed to have stopped affecting you after you passed out yesterday.  After the young master told me what happened between you two, I did some further  research.  While everything the young master told you about it is true, it also holds another interesting ability."  Barbatos was about to keep going, but Diavolo stopped him with a hand on his arm.

"Don't.  We don't know for sure."  He urged. 

Barbatos seemed unphased.  "She deserves to know.  You can't keep it from her."

Diavolo sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair and nodding for him to continue.

"It seems in extremely rare cases, it keeps working between the human who ate it and just one person.  The person it keeps working with is the one person who is most suited to the human.  Another word for it is soulmate.  It will apparently keep working between these two people until they consummate their relationship."

I sat in stunned silence as Barbatos' words echoed in my head.  Soulmates?  I'd never believed in that sort of thing.  I always thought being in a relationship was more trouble than it was worth.  After watching my parents go through their ugly divorce, I wasn't sure a good relationship existed.  Could it all be true?

"And you think it's true because...?"  

"When I approached, I didn't feel any pheromones coming from you.  Even skin contact didn't do anything.  I imagine you didn't feel anything either like you did yesterday?"  I nodded.  That was true.  "Plus, the few cases of finding one's soulmate that have been documented suggest that once they find one another they experience intense possessiveness for an indeterminate period of time.  The young master reacted in the way I expected."

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