Lucifer-Pact pt.2

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A/n: this leaves off the morning after part 1. As in the first part, daddykink warning.  Don't read if you don't like it.  I promise not every lucifer shot will be daddykink, just these first two lol.  Sorry for the wait, I wanted to write some shots for other characters before circling back around to Luci xD

The next morning I woke up confused as to why I wasn't in my bed. Silky coolness was sliding against my skin and I realized it was the sheets on the bed.  Wait, I didn't have silk sheets.  I looked around, suddenly realizing who's room I was in. After that popped into my head, I quickly remembered what we'd done last night.

'I can't believe I called him daddy.' I thought to myself, shaking my head in embarrassment.  It was the heat of the moment and I definitely got carried away.  And what was I supposed to do now that we'd come to an agreement?  How was I supposed to act?  Were things supposed to be different now?

I looked around again, glad Lucifer wasn't in the room.  I don't know how I would have acted if I'd been forced to see him again so early in the morning.  I pushed the silk sheets off my body and flushed when I realized I was now wearing a long sleeved shirt that didn't belong to me.  Lucifer must have changed my clothes sometime last night after I passed out.

I looked around the room for my clothes, and once I spotted them neatly folded and laying on the chest at the end of his bed, I changed in a hurry.  I did not want to run into Lucifer right now and this was his room, so I needed to get out of here as quickly as possible.  I practically ran out of his room, up the stairs, and into my room on the second floor, glad that nobody saw me walking around in the clothes I was wearing yesterday.

Once I got to my room, I showered and put on fresh clothes before heading out again.  It was time to get ready for RAD and I couldn't be late, no matter how much I wanted to avoid Lucifer.  Actually, not going would probably guarantee contact with Lucifer since he considered it his responsibility to make sure his brothers and I went to RAD every day, sick or healthy.  

Hoisting my bag higher on my shoulder, I walked down the stairs hoping to sneak past the dining room where everybody was undoubtedly having breakfast.  As I hurriedly snuck past the door I held my breath, only releasing it when I was down the hall.  As I sighed in relief, I heard the last thing I needed right now.

"Oi, y/n.  Why did you walk past the dining room without eating anything?"  Mammon's voice stopped me in my tracks.

I turned and saw him walking down the hall toward me.  I smiled in a way I hoped seemed normal.  "I just don't feel like eating breakfast today.  I'm actually in a hurry Mammon--"

"Are you feeling okay?"  Mammon immediately asked, now looming over me and studying my face worriedly.

"I'm fine.  I just needed to hurry to RAD today, that's all."

He lifted a warm hand to my forehead.  "...Alright.  You don't have a fever, but you look a little flushed," he paused for a moment, and I saw realization and embarrassment flush his cheeks, "oh, not that I was worried.  The Great Mammon wouldn't worry over a human."

His extremely poor attempts to look cool were normally a little cute, but I was too distracted to think about it when I saw Lucifer walking down the hall toward us, staring intently at me.  The second I saw his face, last night flashed through my mind in a series of embarrassing images.  Instead of facing him, I quickly decided now was a good time to make an escape.  Turning on my heels, I jogged down the rest of the hall and out the door, tossing a goodbye to Mammon as I left.

As the road rose up to meet my feet with every step, I wondered why I was running from Lucifer.  Obviously I was embarrassed, but was that all?  Did I regret last night?  No, I didn't regret it.  He'd made me feel things I wasn't prepared to ever feel.  I guessed it must just be that it was a scary experience for me.  I'd never done those things in my whole life and while I enjoyed what we did, it was terrifying that with just a few words I was putty in his hands.

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