Diavolo-Enchanted Pudding Pt. 2 (SFW)

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The fear settled down my spine. Depending on just how irresistible I smelled right now, the brothers might not be able to resist. I might have the power of pacts over them, but I wasn't sure that would be enough to stop them if they decided to come after me. As the very real danger of my situation set in, the sound of the door opening shattered the tension in the room. It was Barbatos and Diavolo! They couldn't have had better timing.

Diavolo frantically scanned the room for me, and once he saw me sitting safely he took a deep breath in relief. Barbatos, however, was still extremely on edge.

"Y/n, you need to come with us now."

As swiftly as the tension had left the room, it was back stronger than before. All of the brothers stood quickly, and Satan and Asmo who were closest to me each grabbed one of my arms, preventing me from moving.

"It's already started, young master. I think you need to use it." Barbatos muttered to Diavolo, who looked conflicted.

"Y/n, close your eyes." I obeyed immediately, not willing to take chances with my rescuers.

I saw some kind of flash through my eyelids and suddenly heard loud thumps around the room. I froze, unwilling to open my eyes until Diavolo said it was okay.

"Y/n, you can look now." His voice came from much closer than before, now immediately in front of me.

I opened my eyes and saw Diavolo looking at me in concern. He didn't touch me, but his hands seemed to be hovering like he wanted to make sure I was physically fine. Before I could calm him, I caught a glimpse of what was behind him. I gasped as I peered around his body and saw all of the brothers completely passed out.

"Don't worry, it was just a sleeping curse. This camera is cursed to put you to sleep when your picture is taken. Until I destroy the film, they will stay asleep. I was worried it might be too strong for a human, even with your eyes closed. I'm glad I was wrong."

I barely caught any of his words. I was feeling hotter and hotter now. I felt the world begin to blacken and heard a muffled Barbatos shout something, but before I could figure out what, I was out.


I woke up in an unfamiliar room, feeling better. The heat sizzling off my skin seemed to have subsided. I looked around, seeing that I was laying on a huge four poster bed in an equally huge bedroom. The room was done up in warm brown and cream tones. At the far end, there was a fireplace, bookshelf stuffed with books, and small couch. Between the bed and the sitting area there was a door, which I assumed led to the bathroom.

Before I could get much further in my studying, a knock sounded at the door and it swung open. Diavolo walked in cautiously.

"Are you feeling alright Y/n?"

"Yes, now I am. But I'd really like to know what's going on." I knew my voice sounded exasperated, but I couldn't temper my frustration right now.

Diavolo seemed solemn. "It's my fault. I was such a fool. I'm so sorry Y/n. Remember earlier when I shared my pudding with you?" I nodded, "Well, it turns out there was a reason Barbatos didn't serve any to you. It doesn't have an effect on demons, but it's extremely powerful for humans. You see, that pudding makes humans emit pheromones to all potential mates, drawing them in. That's why the brothers reacted the way they did. It was so strong that even Lucifer couldn't fight it."

"And I'm guessing that's why you're hovering half out the door?" I motioned toward his position.

He nodded. "It's strong stuff. I didn't want to take any chances. How are you feeling now?"

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