Lucifer-Pact pt.1

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A/n: this one gets spicy but not SPICY if you know what I mean. Anyway, daddykink warning ;)

Why was I doing this? He was by far the demon who terrified me the most. More than once he'd tried to kill me or threaten me. Yet I couldn't fix things until I made a pact with him. I promised everyone that I would, and now that I'm standing outside his intimidatingly large door, I don't know if I can.

By this point, he must know I want to make a pact with him. But why would he ever agree? He is the most powerful demon besides the Demon Lord after all. Taking a deep breath, I knocked. Why, oh why did I have to promise those brothers that I would do this?

"Come in." His rich voice called through the door.

Before I had a chance to think better of it, I opened the door and walked inside. This was my first time seeing his bedroom and somehow it fit him perfectly. Everything was in deep purple, gray, and black tones with an enormous bed taking center stage. There were gorgeous paintings hanging on the walls which I could only imagine must have belonged in a museum.

My gaze finally trained on Lucifer himself. He was sitting in a comfortable looking armchair in a corner of the room reading something. I couldn't make out the title. It seemed to be in a different language. He held up a finger indicating I should wait while he read. In all my nervousness at being in so close of quarters with him alone for the first time, I couldn't help but examine him as if for the first time again.

His slim, yet muscular legs were crossed in front of him. His whole body was slim, but seemed toned from what I could tell. He was dressed in an impeccable suit, as always, and had his finger-length deep black hair perfectly coiffed. Though I couldn't see his face over the book I recalled how his dark eyes felt like they were piercing me and how his lips were either twisted into a smirk or frowning. I couldn't help but hope it would be the former today.

He finally set the book down, and the piercing of his gaze did not disappoint my memory of it. His expression was as hard to read as the door I'd been looking at earlier while contemplating if I should do this.

"Ah, Y/n, what a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure?" His face remained immobile and I cursed at the lack of knowing what he was thinking.

" see, I..." I froze, unable to get any words out and wrung my hands nervously.  I could feel his eyes studying me and I got more nervous until I knew if I didn't say something right then and there, I never would. "I was hoping to see if you would make a pact with me."

The words rushed out before I could breathe. I felt my cheeks blazing and I cautiously looked up at him to gauge his reaction. To my consternation, there was only a tiny change in his expression, but I couldn't quite catch what it was. Surprise? No, that wasn't it.

His lack of a response was making me nervous again and I found myself babbling.
"I know you've noticed that I've been making pacts with your brothers, and I know you probably knew this was coming...I mean, this whole time you've been warning me to keep pure intentions with them and—anyway I know you probably have no desire to make a pact with me considering that if I had any power I could hold it over your head but you know I don't—and even if I did, I wouldn't do that—but I was hoping we could make a trade of some sort?"

My long winded chattering came to an end and I felt like ramming my head against the nearest wall at my stupidity. He probably thinks I'm an absolute idiot now. My gaze flew up to him as he stood, a smirk now firmly on his face. He crossed his arms and began circling me slowly.

"And what kind of trade would I ever want to make with you?" The deep richness of his voice washed over me as he moved beyond my line of sight.

"Um, we both know that now I have a pact with some of your more troublesome brothers, I can make sure they don't break the rules anymore. Or, I can cook pretty well. I'm not really sure what you need."

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