Changed Future and Talent Shows

Start from the beginning

"I got this." Henry does a flip over five team members and throws the ball into the next, knocking the goalie on their asses.

"Yes!" I shout, not realizing I said it out loud. People now look over at my direction.

"Guys, I'm going to take a break." Henry says, and he jogs over to me, and I get embarrassed.

"I should just..."

"Lizzie, hey." Henry greets me, and I slowly turn around to smile at him.

"Uh...hi Henry."

"This isn't your scene. What are you doing here?" He asks me.

"Uh, just wanted some fresh air and found my way over here." I lie.

"The field is half a mile away from school. You don't like exercising." He points out to me.

"Oh right and...I still don't, but..." I am losing it.

"Do you need help with homework or..."

"I've been a real bitch to you." I blurt out.


"You have always been so kind to me. Always there for me when no one else is and I just...I don't treat you the way you should be treated."

"That's very big of you."

"I don't know why but I have this feeling that I...that I need to make amends with people in my life." I explain.

"It's never too late to make amends." Henry smiles at me, and for the first time, I'm realizing how dazzling his smile is. It makes you feel happy whenever he smiles at you.

"I know you...I know you have feelings for me, and I know at this moment I don't reciprocate them."

"Yeah, one of the most embarrassing moments of my life is that you know about my crush." Henry lowers his head at looks away from me.

"I find it sweet." I smile back at him.

"Sweet is lame and..."

"You are a good guy Henry. You deserve the best and...I'm damaged goods." Henry takes my hand and rubs soothing circles on it.

"You're not damaged. If anything, that means there is more to love about you." He says to me.


"You'll learn to love yourself, Lizzie. It takes time and...I'm willing to wait."

"I can't ask you to do that." I whisper back to him.

"I want to. You're worth waiting for." Henry leans up ever so slightly and places a kiss on my cheek. I smile at the gesture.

Henry's POV

"We never get any sleep." I complain as I follow Hope with my sword in hand.

"You can sleep later. A monster needs killing now." Hope responds. Dr. Saltzman and Mr. Williams are prepared with their weapons.

"Sounds like the trap worked." I state. They nod their heads, and we head outside to take down another monster.

"I know this is important, but couldn't you put pants on first?" Hope says to Dr. Saltzman.

"Little early for snark, Hope." He fires back.

"Oh, this is nothing. Back in New Orleans, when she was being what mom called her extreme bitch mode, the city almost caught on fire." I share.

"Seriously, Henry?" Hope asks me.

"It was in defense of you, Hope. Just saying you could be way more of a bitch." I wink at her.

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