They took a second to think and Beth and Seirra shook their heads no. Megan did not say anything. “Nothing interesting about Clark? Or Zack? Or Kevin?” I ask again. “I know someone has something interesting to say!” Megan took a deep breath and began talking. “I think Kevin and I might break up.” She said, sadness in her voice. “Why? Ya’ll have been together for so long!” Seirra exclaimed. “I know but we’ve been arguing more lately.” She said. “Well, all couples fight. I mean look at me and Clark. We fight sometimes.” Beth said trying to comfort Megan. “I know but we’ve been fighter more often now. We’ve been together for almost 2 years and we’ve never fought this much before. I hate to think this but I think maybe our relationship has run it’s course.” Megan said, tears pooling in her eyes.

“Don’t cry Megan! Maybe you guys should try to spice up the relationship.” Seirra suggested. “How?” Megan asked curiously. “I don’t know.” Seirra answered sheepishly. “Maybe ya’ll could go out on like a ‘first date’ and rekindle the romance. Maybe even go stay in a hotel for a night or so.” I suggest.  “Maybe.” Megan says thoughtfully. “It won’t hurt to try.” Beth added. Megan nodded and stopped talking.

“Well, Zack and I are going good. He’s so awesome.” Seirra gushed. “Awww! Seirra is in love!” Beth teased. “I’m not in love, yet.” Seirra said. “Yet!” Beth emphasized. “Do you really think you could fall in love with Zack?” I ask her. “I would like to. He’s so nice and sweet and caring and funny and smart. It feels like we’ve known each other for such a long time.” Seirra gushed. “Have you ever thought of marriage?” Beth asked. “I’d be lieing if I said I didn’t.” Seirra confessed. “Awww, our little Seirra is falling!” Beth cooed. Seirra rolled her eyes but did not respond.

“What about you missy! Don’t think we haven’t noticed that you and Clark can’t keep ya’ll’s hands off each other.” Seirra teased Beth. “It seems like after ya’ll slept together, ya’ll became closer.” I mentioned. “It does seem like that.” Megan added. “I feel like it has too. He’s so open with me know. He tells me everything and he even invited me to dinner with his parents but I turned him down. I don’t think I’m ready to meet his parents yet.” Beth told us.

“Wait. When did he invite you to dinner?” Seirra asked. “Last weekend.” Beth answered. “And you didn’t tell us until now?” Megan said faking a hurt look. “I meant to tell ya’ll sometime this past week but we’ve all been so busy.” Beth explained. “Why don’t you want to meet his parents? Ya’ll have been together for a while now.” I ask Beth. “I feel like that’s a huge step into the relationship, and I feel like I’m not ready for that big step,” Beth says, “plus, if I agree to meet his parents, he’ll probably want to meet my parents, and I’m sure as hell not ready for that.” “Well, what about prom?” Megan asks. “What about prom?” Beth asks her back. “Well, he’s going to have to pick you up which means he’ll have to meet your parents.” Megan explained. Beth opened her mouth to speak but then paused. “I hadn’t thought of that. I guess I’ll deal with that when the time comes.” She answered finally.

“Well, you better decide fast because prom is in about 2 weeks.” Seirra added. “I know, I know. Shit, I haven’t even picked a dress. Actually, Clark hasn’t even asked me yet.” Beth added. “Neither has Kevin.” Megan added. “Zack too.” Seirra included. “Well, we should still go dress shopping sometime this week.” I suggested. “Of course.” They all replied.

We finished getting our nails done and then we finally went to the grocery store. By the time we returned home, it was 9. When I pulled into the driveway, I noticed a small convertible parked in the driveway. We all looked at the car and began wondering whose car it was. We grabbed a few bags and headed inside the house through the garage. When I opened the door and stepped in, I noticed Kevin in the kitchen, getting a drink. “Hey Kevin. Where’s the rest of the boys? We need some help bringing in groceries.”  I tell him. “Hey. They’re in the living room. One of James friends is here visiting.” He said.

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