Halloween - Terrormoo

Start from the beginning

Brock raised an amused eyebrow and caught Evan's eye, who was smirking faintly. "Looks like we weren't the only ones," he said amused and Evan nodded, shaking his head.

Brock and Evan flew down and landed right behind the four men, grinning amused. "Well hello sexy," Terroriser said coyly, giving Brock an up and down. He had an eagle beak over his mouth and nose, a very tight blue hoodie and blue jeans on.

Brock rolled his eyes, internally appreciating the tightness of the hoodie. It was obviously Delirious' hoodie, as that was his signature along with the painted hockey mask.

"I see you guys had the same idea as us," Evan said amused, checking out Delirious' skin tight black outfit and half owl mask that left his mouth free.

Delirious had a smirk, looking Evan up and down. Wildcat looked over at the alley between the warehouses and called, "I can hear you Nogla, come on out. You too Fourzer0seven."

The two stepped out, eyeing Basically and Wildcat who were dressed as them. Wildcat looked very odd wearing a headset and a bright green tee, Basically in black skinny jeans and a Grey and white t shirt.

"I'm liking what I see," Scotty said, winking at Basically who just rolled his eyes, grinning. Terroriser nodded, having not taken his eyes off Brock since he'd turned around.

"Having a good Halloween, Vanoss?" Delirious purred, skipping over to Evan and running a hand down his chest. Evan chuckled, shaking his head and grabbing Delirious' hand before it could travel any lower.

"And if I am?" Evan asked softly and Delirious grinned, not letting go of Evan's hand. "I guess we'll just have to add some chaos to it, as long as you don't mind," he replied just as softly and Terroriser and Brock just rolled their eyes at each other.

Those two had had the strongest chemistry since the "rivalry" had started, though Evan had always fired back saying Brock and Terroriser were right there with them.

"What do you say? We all stick together? Put our rivalry aside tonight and be normal people?" Terroriser asked, walking closer to Brock and tilting his head.

Brock took the sunglasses off, raising an eyebrow at the other. "I think-" he started but Daithi cut him off. "Sounds like a plan to me. Let's go get pizza and bullshit around the pier."

Wildcat and Basically nodded in agreement but Terroriser didn't take his eyes off Brock. Brock just nodded in agreement and Terroriser smirked excitedly.

"Then, for tonight, you better call me Brian," he said softly and Brock tilted his head. "And you better call me Brock," he replied finally and Brian hummed.

"Okay okay, you four go get separate rooms," Daithi groaned, seeing Evan and Delirious practically nose to nose and Terroriser's- no, Brian's and Brock's chests nearly touching.

Wildcat walked to him, raising an eyebrow. "Is that an offer?" He asked quietly and Brock and Brian smirked at each other as Daithi went bright red, mouth opening but no words coming out.

"Why don't we all head to the pier?" Basically suggested and Scotty nodded, arms crossed at the three duos.

Delirious winked and he and Evan blinked out of sight, Delirious having teleportation as one of his abilities. Wildcat rolled his eyes and looked at Daithi.

"Here," he said, grabbing Daithi's hand and both of them shrank down into birds, a surprised squawk coming from Daithi as he wobbled on his new hawk feet.

Brock shook his head and grabbed Brian's hand, the other frowning confused. "Don't let go," Brock warned him and adjusted the air pressure under them and they took off flying. Brian let out a shocked scream, his other hand flying to grab Brock's arm tightly.

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