Sally's here to stay!

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Jess P.O.V

"What are you doing here?!?" I ask dropping the knife and running to give Sally a hug. I jump on her almost knocking her down. "Taylor adopted me while you were at school... when did you die your hair?" She ask "Swifties at school... long story short it's a disguise." I say "Oh I might need one if I'm gonna be Tay's daughter." "Yea probably, I got an idea... Light brown hair and grey eyes!" I say looking in my costume box pulling them out and giving them to her. "Put them on we're going to SUBWAYY then school... lets go!" I say "WAIT!" She says I whip around can I borrow some of your clothes?" She asked "Umm yea." I say running upstairs agin. I pick out a pink day dress some black pumps and a black headband. (Sally's outfit at the top) "Ok now let's go." I say "Race you to the car!" Sally says running down the stairs.

After we ate we headed back to the school and into 6'th period, life science. "Ok looks like we have the same classes... I bet Tay did that, lets try to find life science." I say "Theirs a girl, lets ask her." Sally says walking up to her. "Umm hey we're new here... Could you.." Sally started but was cut off. "Your new here so I'll cut you some slack, rule 1 don't talk to me, rule 2 don't look at me, rule 3 I'm popular and your not, rule 4 we'll never be friends, rule 5 don't get on my bad side." She said glaring Sally down. "Ok those are your rules, here are mine... rule 1 don't talk to her like that, rule 2 don't talk to me like that and, rule 3 leave us alone." I say grabbing Sally's arm and pulling her with me, the girl was saying something to us but I was so mad that I just blocked it out. "We'll just find it ourselves." I say stopping by a door that says 'Room 101 Life Science' "This is it." Sally says we take a deep breath and walk in, all heads whip around and all eyes stare as if we just killed someone. "Umm I'm Jess and this is Sally." I say in almost a whisper. A woman wearing a lab coat and goggles comes up to us, "Hi girls my name is Ms. Norbury, Ms. N for short, what is your last name?" she asked "Swift." Sally and I say in unison. "Ahhhh!!" Some girl screams running up to us giving us a really tight hug. "Can't...breathe!" I say starting to see spots. "EMMA RELEASE!!" Says another girl that yanks her off of us. "Ugh Kat your no fun, these are Taylor Swift's daughters!" Says the girl I'm guessing is Emma. Me and Sally look at each other, "No we're not." We say in unison. "Then why is your last name Swift?" The girl named Kat says raising her eyebrows. "Cause that is what our dad's last name is, and his dad, and his dad, and his dad, back and back and back." I say. "Katrina and Emma, go sit back down and wright me a 100 word essay due at the end of class!" Says Ms. N, I jump back a little scared.

Taylor's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora