The suprise

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Jess's P.O.V

"Hey stop that!" I say to Taylor as she and Selena Gomez take pictures and videos of me and Sally. "Selenaaaa stop!" I yell, "Wait when did Selena get here?" I asked. "She helped me cook your dinner." Taylor says. "Yes because it's so hard to cook Mac and Cheese." I say sticking my tongue out. In response Taylor just sticks a fork in my Mac and Cheese and takes a bite. "No no no! Anything but my Mac and Cheese, please please please." I joke putting my hand on my forehead dramatically. "Nice seeing you guys." Selena calls still  being dragged by Taylor. "Nice to see you too Sel." Sally and I call.

                          *1hr later*

Taylor's P.O.V

"Jess, Sally will you two come down here for a minute?" I call up the stairs. I hear some shuffling then I see them coming down the stairs. "Come sit on the couch." I say patting the seats near me. "Umm...yeah ok." Jess says slowly. "Can I ask why?" Sally ask slowly walking towards the couch. "Nothing bad I promise." I say laughing. "Ok two things," I start after the girls have sat down. "one, we need to get Sally some clothes and a disuse. Two, since you two will be living here for a while I thought you would like to design your rooms." I finish gushing with a huge smile at their reactions. "YESSSSSSS!" Jess and Sally squeal together. I cover my ears, "So do you like it?" I ask still holding my probably damaged ears, "YES YES YES YEEESSSS." They squeal attacking me in hugs. "Ok ok," I smile wiggling out of the death grip they have me in, "you two should probably start getting ideas for your rooms." I say. They smile and nod running up the stairs in to their rooms.

Jess's P.O.V

After Taylor had called us down stairs and told us our surprise I was ecstatic and I could tell that Sally was also. We ran into my room after Tay said that we needed to get some room ideas. "Grab the room box!" Sally says "I have it I have it!" I say pulling a medium sized box out from under the bed. What? We had a lot of time in the orphanage. "Ok first color schemes." Sally says pulling out pages for her side as I pulled out pages from mine. "Ok so my color scheme is gonna be pink and brownish." I say, "What about yours?" "Mine is gonna be a galaxy theme." Sally says. "Well you are obsessed with it." I say jokingly punching her arm. "Yeah yeah now beds...I want a pinkish purplish kind that matches my galaxy theme." Sally says shoving be a picture of a huge bed, when I say huge I mean huge. Imagine a king sized bed now imagine two of them together... That's how big her bed was. "Dang how much room do you need to sleep." I say while laughing. "Haha," Sally says scarcastiacly "let's see yours." "Ok, well mine is sort of like a couch bed, it has a couch on two sides of it, but it's the size of a queen bed." I say showing Sally a picture. "Well we know what we want in our rooms, now we need to decide on some clothes and disguises." I say pointing out the obvious. "Well I want...brown ombré hair, and green eyes for my disguise." Sally says. "Oh that sounds really pretty, I think I want...grey eyes, and brown hair with blue ends." I say thinking about how I would look. "Now for clothes....I want to look edgy, kind of like a rocker or Tay in some of her recent music videos. Shake it off *cough* *cough*" I say to hear Sally laughing at the last part, but what can I say I'm a comedy wizard. "Well I want to dress kind of...preppy I guess you could say, like Taylor in her old music videos." Sally says smiling with her conclusion. "That sounds pretty awesome, we're so polar opposites...but that's why we fit together so well." I say. *sniff* *sniff* "That was so beautiful." Sally says wiping away imaginary tears. I just stuck my tongue out at her and flipped my hair. "Wanna go prank Taylor?" I ask since there was nothing else to do. "Yeah." Sally say her eyes lighting up. Oh did I not mention, we were quite the pranksters at the orphanage.

*10 minutes later*

Sally's P.O.V

'On three' Jess mouthed to me, I had the rope in hand as my eyes flickered between Taylor asleep on the couch, and Jess holding up one finger, two fingers, I grabbed the rope tighter. As she held up the third finger and mouthed 'Go' to me I yanked the rope and watched a bucket of ice water tumble down on Taylor waking her up screaming. Me and Jess locked eyes and broke down laughing, at first I didn't know what she was doing with her hand but then I realized she had been recording the whole thing, which only made me laugh harder. "Oh you two are dead!" Called a soaking wet Taylor chasing us, "Keep recording!" I call to Jess who nods her head smiling. 'Under the stairs.' She mouthes to me pointing to a tiny olive sized button in the wall under the stairwell. I dove and hit the button and suddenly a small door opened revealing a small panic room looking hideout. I dove in having Jess dive in after me then having her land on top of me as the door slid shut. "Quick press record on the cameras." Jess says turning her phone off as I run and hit record on a panel of tvs which I'm guessing are hooked up to cameras. "This is going to be comedy gold." Jess says giving a huge smile.

*30 minutes later*

Jess's P.O.V

"Guys come out I'm not mad any more!" Taylor calls still soaking wet and still looking for Sally and I. "Really I'm starting to get worried please come out!" Taylor yells louder this time and I can tell she's scared, "Ok grab the whip cream but keep recording this is gonna be fun." I say. (Yes the panic room has a pantry.) "Hand me the cream." I whisper as Sally walks out of the pantry. "Hear you go." She says louder than I did. "Sal shush she's right out side!" I hiss quietly. I wave my hand beckoning her to follow me. I put my finger to my lips and count down from three, when I hit one I jump out of the hiding spot. "Surprise!" I yell watching her whip around and spraying her bin the face with the whip cream. I keep spraying her despite her protest. I keep my finger down on the nossle until all the contents of the can are all over Taylor's face and we're all in tears from laughing so hard. "Ok ok I'll let you two off the hook cause this is really funny, but you have to clean everything up. Deal?" Taylor ask "Deal." Me and Sally both say together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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