Adoption Day

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"Jess WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" Sally shouted in my ear. If she wasn't my BFF I would of killed her then and there. But instead I pushed her out of my way grabbed my brush, toothbrush, and toothpaste then went into the bathroom. I put on lip gloss made myself up then went down to breakfast. After I ate I put on my normal outfit a white tee red jeans and red converse. I climbed "my tree" and wrote some songs by the time I came down it was lunch and I had 3 songs finished. When I came back in the orphanage I saw a line up of girls. "Uh oh" I thought either there searching for something or some one is adopting. "They won't pick me" I thought they always want a little kid not a pre-teen. "Jess line up." Commands Ms.Handgun. I've always thought that was funny. "Ok children we have a nice lady at the age of 21 that wants to adopt a child age 10-13 whoever is in that age group line up the rest go play. "This is Ms. Swift" Said Ms. Handgun as a lady walked out of her office. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Sally, Amanda, pretty everyone but me shouted. "Sal who is that?" I ask Sally. "That's Taylor Swift!" She practically shouts at me. "OMG REALLY AHHHHH!" I've never seen her but after my parents died her songs got me through a lot. "We only have three girls the age you want one is ten," Said Ms. Handgun motioning to Amanda. "And two that are twelve." She said motioning to me and Sally. "This is Amanda, Sally and Jessica." She said "Jess!" I corrected her I hate it when people call me Jessica. "Lets see.." Taylor said as her eyes stopped on me. "Jess would you like to come home with me?" Taylor asked. "Of course I would but..." I said trailing off. "But what?" Asked Tay. "Sal?" I said turning to Sally. "Go." She said. "I love ya girl and want to be happy go." "Really?" I asked. "Yea." She said, I gave her the tightest hug ever then went up to pack. It didn't take long cause I don't have much. When I ran down to find Tay she grabbed my hand and showed me her car, more like a limo. We slid into the back and just like that we were off. "So... Ate you hungry?" Tay asked it seamed like she was as nervous as I was. "Oh yes thank you for asking." I said I was starved. "If you don't mind my asking, how did your parents die. All that was in your profile was that your Aunt took you to the orphanage after they passed." Said Tay "They were in a car crash, me and my older sister were fighting over something stupid as always, my dad was driving and my mom was trying to settle us down. He didn't see the truck that was driving down the middle lane they collided." I said while chokeing back tears. "Oh I'm sorry I shouldn't of asked." Said Tay. "No it's fine." I said. "What happened to your sister?" She said. "She moved in with our cousin." I awenserd simply.

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