The bad dream

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Taylor's P.O.V

After we arrived at my mansion I showed Jess her room it was next to mine and Austin's. (When he visits.) And we unpacked her stuff. It only took about five mins cause she didn't have a lot of things. After we ate we went to the mall and I bought her some clothes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, makeup, shoes, and we practically raided the music store. Then it was about dinner time so we sat down at subway and I ate a salad and soup and Jess ate some soup. After we ate I loaded the bags in the limo and we were off to my house. At my house we put the bags in Jess's room and we watched "Titanic" on my TV. In the middle of the movie Jess fell asleep. I couldn't lift her cause she was 12 and I was kinda weak so I just snuggled with her and we fell asleep. "Taylor!" Jess called me. I couldn't find her and I was affriad. "Jess!! Where are you!" I shouted "I don't know I'm scared Tay help me!" She yelled. Some one came up to me I could tell it was a guy as soon as he was about to take off his hoodie some one started shaking me, I woke up in a pool of sweat. "Tay what's wrong?" She asked me. "Nothing just a bad dream I'm fine." I told her but by her eyes I could tell she wasn't convinced. "I made breakfast." She told me. I looked at the kitchen and sure enough there were two plates piled high with pancakes. After we ate I went over the rules with her.

Taylor's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora