Part 18: Pops Tour

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Robbie's arms were wrapped around Gary's body. His nose buried in the back of Gary's head of soft hair. Gary softly moaned in his sleep and started to shift his position. In response, Robbie tightened his arms a little, not wanting Gary to go anywhere – for he wanted to stay in this moment for as long as possible. Robbie was awake. Wide awake. He had been for a while. It was 6am and he couldn't sleep. How could he? He was shocked Gary even could. Robbie was so wired. He didn't know how to describe exactly how he felt – ecstatic? euphoric? In complete bliss? None of it seemed enough somehow. All he knew was, he'd never felt like this before, not even when he first lost his virginity. It was odd but for the first time ever it felt like he was finally 'satisfied', in all meanings of the word.

They'd had sex. They'd finally had full penetrative sex, and he'd topped Gary Barlow! He could still barely believe it. Although it had been a little awkward in parts – what with him being worried he was doing it wrong or hurting Gary; had been amazing. It had been everything he'd dreamt of and there was no way they weren't repeating that. In fact he hoped they'd repeat it all again as soon as possible. Maybe even with Gary on top this time, he considered fairly. Well, maybe the time after next, or the time after that time. Either way he knew next time would be a bit less awkward, for they'd done it - that last hurdle and slept with each other for real.

Gary shifted in his sleep again. Robbie could tell he was close to awakening. He gently kissed the back of Gary's neck and felt the Cheshire lad stir. The cover fell off his shoulder and exposed his illuminated skin. Robbie stared at the exposed skin a moment before he leant down to kiss that too.

"Morning Gorgeous" Robbie purred in his sleep.

Gary yawned awake and tried to turn around to face Robbie. But that was a mistake. A pain shot up his spine and he yelped.

"You ok?" Robbie's asked, suddenly full of concern.

Gary breathed out slowly. "Yeah just a twinge...actually a bit more than that".

"You sore from –"


"Is it bad?"

"Not too bad – as long as I can just stay in this position for a while, maybe a day then I think I'll be ok" Gary reassured him with a smile.

"Hmm...well, maybe I shouldn't remind you we've a tour meeting later on".

"That's today?!" Gary panicked and spun around. Big mistake as he yelped in pain again.

"Yeah... maybe we didn't time last night all that well".

Gary tried to get up but the pain shot up from his bum like an electric shock, "Oh god, Rob – I don't think I can!"

Robbie sat up in the bed and stroked Gary's back, "It's ok, I'll run you a bath"

Gary nodded with a small whimper. He was pretty sure a warm bath was not going to solve the pain, but he appreciated the offer.

Robbie made to exit their bed before he turned back and surveyed his lover one lingering moment longer – and uncertainty began in arise in him. "Gaz – I'm sorry if I hurt you, I understand if you regret –"

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Gary interrupted, "Before you get in your own head about it. I do not regret anything we did last night. Honestly."

Robbie instantly smiled and let the bubbles of worry melt away.

"...But a bath would be appreciated" Gary softly groaned.

"I'm on it!" Robbie smiled and jumped out of bed to run his lover a relaxing warm bath. With Robbie out of the room, Gary laid back on the pillow and released a long blissful sigh. He honestly did not regret a thing, and in a way it was a relief to have finally done it. At least now he knew what to expect, it'd make it easier next time. He assumed there would be a next time, but that did beg the question - where did they go from here?

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