Part 1️⃣

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Jim Kirk's POV

This Story is also on Ao3.

I was walking down the halls of T͜͡h͜͡e͜͡ E͜͡n͜͡t͜͡e͜͡r͜͡p͜͡r͜͡I͜͡s͜͡e͜͡, to get to The Mess Hall for breakfast, just when I heard a noise. I stopped to listen and at first, it sounded like moaning, then it began sounding like shouts. I at first thought it might have been someone having sex, but then the noises sounded tenser. I looked around to see where the noises were coming from, and I found it was coming from Spock's Quarters. I knocked on the door, 'Spock?' I waited for a minute...No reply...I put my ear to the door, and I could hear, heavy breathing and shouts. I knew I had to see what was going on. I searched for the master key card in my pockets, and quickly held it against the scanner, the doors swished open and I hurried inside and looked around, it was pretty dark 'Computer, lights on 30%' it was still a little dark but it was bright enough to see my whereabouts, I looked over to Spock's bed, where the noises were coming from, and that's when I worried. The duvet was all twisted and scrunched up and cocooned inside was Spock. He did not look right, he was having a nightmare, he was shouting and moaning out words like


And some in Vulcan.

Followed by screams. I quickly rushed over to him,

'Spock?' I said gently and patted his shoulder

No response.

'Spock?!' I said more firmly, shaking him this time, still

No response, wow the man is in a deep slumber, but also a deep nightmare. I had to wake him, he was writhing now, I thought about slapping him, but that might just make things worse. I leaned over to his ear, I held on to his shoulder to keep him still, and gently spoke to him, 'Spock? It's me, Jim. wake up! You're having a nightmare!' I began shaking him a bit. His eyes eventually snapped open, his breathing was heavy, he began scanning his whereabouts, then quickly sat up, hyperventilating and I think he was sweating, which was concerning since Vulcans were built to not be affected by heat thus, they do not sweat, so Spock sweating was a bad sign.

'Are you okay, Spock?' That was kind of a dumb question, OF COURSE, HE'S NOT OKAY! If Spock was his natural state, he'd probably lecture me how illogical I was being, but at this moment I kind of wish he did. 'It's all my fault, Jim! It's all my fault! I shouldn't have left my mother near the cliff! It's my fault she's dead! Nero said it was my fault, and it's true!'

'Spock, it's okay,'

'And your death captain, I should have been there...'

'Spock!! It's alright, calm down. You were having a nightmare, but it's over, you're safe,' I said firmly but softly trying to comfort him, but he was shaking looking quite traumatised, 'Do you want to tell me what happened?'

I said gently, at first he didn't say anything, but then he nodded,

'I-I-it was a combination. Of when my mother was killed and when you were killed, and when Pike was killed, I kept hearing my mother's cries and seeing the images of how Pike was feeling when he died and then you...' he stopped his chin was wobbling, I began rubbing his shoulder, in support and comfort, and to urge him on. He was struggling to get his words out, which also wasn't normal, 'Do you want to show me, instead? If that's easier?' I whispered, he nodded, and shakily reached his hands out onto my head and touched my psi points, I held his hands to keep them still, I closed my eyes and the images rushed into my mind, like a railway line, and I understood why he was so disturbed by this dream.

It took place on the planet, Vulcan.

There were loads of screams, Vulcans getting

crushed by falling rocks and rubble, it was the destruction of the planet, the time of Amanda, Spock's Mother's death, it was horrible, the surviving Vulcans were quickly following Spock to a beaming point, on a rocky cliff, and Amanda was holding onto Spock's arm, as they ran, then he let her go when they were about to be beamed aboard, but Amanda didn't make it, because the part of the cliff she was standing on collapsed. Spock was already being beamed up when he tried to reach out to grab her, and then, it was too late. Later, it was Pike's death. But this next dream was deep. It was of my death, of when Spock got emotionally compromised, and when he wanted to avenge me by killing Kahn, but there was a twist in this dream there was an alternative.

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