Senior Scribe

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"All right, so I found some cool two bedrooms in the Mission District, but they're pretty expensive

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"All right, so I found some cool two bedrooms in the Mission District, but they're pretty expensive. A couple in Haight and Ashbury. Also expensive." Stiles said as he Will looked at a map of Northern California. Wills brows furrowed at Stiles' words.

Will looked down at the map on the hood of the Jeep and then back to Stiles, a sad look on his face. "Wait. Two bedrooms? What you gonna break up with me by then?"

Stiles whipped around to face Will, realizing how it sounded. Stiles put a hand to Wills face, shaking his head crazily. "No. No! Of course not! We're sharing a room. I was thinking Scott could live with us too so it's cheaper for all of us."

Will visibly calmed. He looked back down to the map and pointed at Berkeley. "What about Berkeley? Don't a lot of students live around there?" Will asked and Stiles squinted.

"Yeah, yeah, we could try Nob Hill. But, the Jeep would probably burn through a lot of clutches." Stiles grumbled and Will chuckled, resting his elbows on the hood as he smiled up at Stiles.

"You're bringing the Jeep?" Will asked with an amused smile. Stiles looked down at him, hitting his elbows to silently tell him to move as he nodded. "You know the plan, okay. No one gets left behind. That's the plan. You and Lydia's not gonna have a problem getting into Stanford. Kira's thinking USF. Malia's, uh... Malia's hopefully gonna graduate... The plan's perfect." Stiles said and Will pursed his lips at the boys words before shrugging.

"Or we could also wait until we actually get into college and then figure out where to live." Will said and Stiles whipped his head to Will, pointing at finger at him. "I have a vision, Will. Okay? And it is a beautiful vision. That you're in a lot, might I add. Don't ruin the vision. Okay, we can check out the East Bay. Haven't looked at Oakland yet, you know."

Will felt a blush grow on his face at Stiles' words. The thunder struck and Will looked around to find the lightning before he made eye contact with Liam behind them, chained to a tree.

"Think it's been long enough?" Will asked, maneuvering around to lean his back against the Jeep to look at Liam.

"Yes!" Liam yelled.

"Hey. Trying to have an adult conversation over here." Stiles yelled and Liam groaned. "All right, you're two years older than me. And I'm fine. Just let me go." Liam said, making Will give him a sympathetic smile.

"It's not that we don't trust you." Will reassured, making Liam nod a bit as Stiles jumped in. "It's that I don't trust you." Stiles butted. Will turned around to give Stiles a look before turning back to Liam. "But after that last full moon..."

"It was one slip up." Liam tried to to defend. Will's brows raised as he smiled at the younger boy. "Slip up? Liam, there was a dozen calls to the Sheriff's Department about a 'monstrous dog-boy running around the streets of Beacon Hills naked.' Why were you naked?"

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