After few seconds later nam-jung started talking again. "and i have a big secret that Yu-ra only knows. I was about to tell you. And there is one thing that i did when i wasn't here. I need to tell you all about it. Since everyone is here i need to discuss about this. But at first i need you all to promise me not to tell anyone like friends or girlfriend or boyfriend either. Dont tell them till they become your wife. Okey? But jimin. I need you not to tell your wife. I need see her behavior first. Then i will let you know" nam-jung said to them. All of them knew that he was trying to say something important. So all of them nooded. "well firstly i want to thank jimin for taking good care of it. The kims hospital doesn't have a owner right. The real owner is me. I wanted to everyone to know about it when one of my son is ready to take full care of the company. Im sorry for not telling it" nam-jung said to them. "actually...actually i knew that you was my dad and also the company owner" jin said to them. They all looked at him. "" nam-jung asked. "i saw my birth certificate and your company details file in the my mothers room. When i was little she showed that files and told not to tell anyone about it. Since it was her request i made my self shut. Im sorry for not telling you hyung. This is the reason why i told you to took care of the company. I know you can do it" jin explained. Jimin looked at jin and didn't know what to say. Nam-jung was about to say something but jisoo and soo hyun came. "i want to complete the family so lets bring the other one too right" jin said to them. All other than jimin was confused.

Jungkook was just playing games with taehyung. "kook. Jin hyung is calling you" taehyung said. "jungkook. Can you come to our house. I have a guest here that you need to meet with. I will send you address" jin only said it and ended the call. Jungkook was confused. "tae tae. Im going jin hyung house. He just now said that there is a guest there in that house need to meet me." jungkook said and just went out. Taehyung was confused as jungkook.

Jungkook knocked the door. Jin opened the door. Jungkook was stayed where he was. He couldn't believe his own eyes. Nam-jung was in the same situation. After a long time he is seeing his son jungkook too. In a few seconds jungkook was next to nam-jung hugging him. "what are you doing here dad? Do you guys know him?" jungkook asked jin and jimin. Nam-jung again explained what happened before. " you are telling me that jin hyung and namjoon hyung is my step brothers?!" jungkook asked him. Jin nooded. "i always see jungkook as my brother. since everyone is here i want to announce something. Me and jisoo are planning to get married... I want you guys to decide a nice date" everyone was happy about the news. They decided the date too. It was 21/12/21. They all were happy about it.

Jin noticed something was going on between jungkook and jimin. He always noticed how jungkook look into jimin. There was something strong between them. He can clearly see it with in jungkooks eyes. But in jimin eyes....his eyes seems to be questionable? He look confuse. I can read there minds by looking at there eyes. 'well... This is going to be interesting. I should ask jungkook since he is my little brother...i guess' "dad. Can i talk with you privately. Also with jin hyung and namjoon hyung" jungkook said to them. They all nooded and went away.

" yes son. What is it?" nam-jung asked him. "you mentioned that 'there is one thing that i did when i wasn't here'. What does that supposed to meant by?" jungkook asked him by looking at his expression. Jin also looked at nam-jung face. "wow. I was wondering who whould notice that part. Your genius just like me. Hehe. Actually i opened a company named JEON. I wanted you jungkook to take care of it. At first i wanted to give it to your mom. But she is no longer related to me. So im planning to register it as you jungkook....well by the way were is she? " nam-jung asked. At first jungkook was hesitated to tell the truth. But decided to tell. Since its his father."she is in Australia marrying an Australian guy named 'Jason'. He is a sweet guy. And aslo he has a kid 'jack'. And then... They informed us that she is p...pregnant..." jungkook said to them. " Thats a...lot of information. She isn't dating but married. And someone had a son?... And preg.... Ugh. My head still ot processing with those sh....things" nam-jung said to them. 3 of them held there laugh back when nam-jung almost curse. "i know right. I was in the same situation too. And what surprising thing was the jack guys was the one i called to search for you dad" jungkook said to them. They all laughed. "so you tried to call me?" nam-jung asked. "yes i did. I asked my mom for your number... But you know how she is. She always changes the topic" jungkook looked down. "its okey. Lets go back" nam-jung said to them and walked away. "I'll call taehyung and tell him to bring your stuff here. Im so excited" jin said to them and walked away too. Jungkook and namjoon gaved eachother a awkward smile and went to main room.

Doctor's love <Jikook> (completed) Where stories live. Discover now