Enerjak: Reborn! (Finale Part)

Start from the beginning

Enerjak lets out a huff before someone crashes into his back. He flies back a bit before correcting himself and seeing Super Y/n to be his attacker.

"Come on, Knuckles!" the human says. "You gotta snap out of this!"

Yelling in anger, Enerjak charges at Super Y/n who charges in return. They clash in the middle, sending a massive shockwave through the air as a flash of green light goes off. Everyone watching shields their eyes from the blinding light before it fades to reveal Enerjak and Super Y/n in a power struggle, one pushing against the other as their auras swirled around them.

"Come on, Knuckles! This isn't you and you know it!" Super Y/n tells Enerjak as he struggles against him. "Finitevus is in your head! You gotta fight it! Fight for us! Fight for 'Su!"

Knuckles' eyes widen slightly at the name of his love before Super Sonic shoots out from the ground and tackles him, breaking him from his struggle with Super Y/n.


Enerjak shouts as he pushes Super Sonic away and then shoots energy at him.

"Thunder Arrow!"

"ACK! Aside from annoy, your magic does diddly!" Super Sonic declares. "What part of "invulnerable" don't you get?"

"Would you prefer if it were crunch time?!" Enerjak asks as he slams his spiked fist into Super Sonic's stomach.

"Would you prefer if it were crunch time?!" Enerjak asks as he slams his spiked fist into Super Sonic's stomach

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"Yeah! That's more like it!" Super Sonic smiles before he spins around and kicks Enerjak down.

Super Y/n intercepts and grabbed Enerjak before spinning around and throwing him into a mountain on Angel Island. Super Y/n rockets after him as they both go to fight while Super Sonic ponders something to himself.

"I don't get it. Me and Y/n's positive aura should've broken the dark magic by now," Super Sonic states. "I can see some progress, but it's not enough!"


Back on Angel Island, Julie-Su and Archimedes are seen running.

"This is getting out of hand!" Julie-Su states. "We've got to find a way to stop them!"

"Then we go to the source of the problem," Archimedes states and teleports him and Julie-Su to the Chaos Chamber.

There they see Finitevus standing in front of the Master Emerald.

"Finitevus! You're the cause of all this!" the pink echidna exclaims. "You warped Knuckles' mind! You made him lose control! Set him right, or I'll--!'

"You're in no position to do anything, girl," Finitevus turns to Julie-Su. "Besides, I couldn't stop this now if I wanted to. The Hex I placed on the Master Emerald binds it to my will. The minute Knuckles tapped into its power, his intentions bent to my ideals."

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