The More Things Change

Start from the beginning

When Casey arrives Friday night to pick her up she looks breathtaking in a boxy wool coat that is open to reveal a chic, tailored suit underneath. Her hair is slicked back making her delicate features pop. She smiles giddily as Casey's eyes take in her tight cocktail dress, mouth dropping open in appreciation.

"Holy shit," Casey says.

And as Casey's eyes rake over her dress Izzie can practically see the wheels turning as she begins to form her plans for how to take it off later. Izzie smirks to herself, thinking of the lingerie she's wearing underneath. Casey will be surprised, to say the least.

It all reminds Izzie of their proms, all those years ago. Caught in a wave of nostalgia she ventures a, "Hey Newton," for old times sake.

Casey looks at her for a moment, some nameless emotion flashing over her face so quickly Izzie can't quite catch it. Then she catches herself and smiles back at Izzie, roguishly.

"Get in here!" Izzie giggles, yanking Casey by the arm, "It's freezing!"

Casey hugs her carefully, and kisses her on the cheek, knowing she won't want to smudge her lipstick. Then Izzie has Gabby come out and take a photo of them, "to document how hot they look," and Gabby, caught up in the moment,  makes them both blush by saying, in an uncharacteristically cheesy voice, "Ok, lovebirds, give us a big smile!"

And again, Izzie glances at Casey to see that fleeting flash of something in her expression before she masks it, smiling good naturedly. Then Izzie gathers up her things and they hop in Casey's car and head into town for the party. They talk animatedly the whole way there about the email Izzie had sent to HR, the lack of response so far and her relief at finally, finally having done something.

"Hey," Casey says, putting a hand on her knee, "I'm proud of you."

Izzie takes a deep breath and smiles.

"Thank you. And thanks for all your support with this. Let's just hope we don't have to talk to Dan for very long tonight... or at all."

Casey laughs, "I actually kind of hope we run into him."

"Oh my god, Casey, you can't say anything about this to him. This is like... a very delicate situation."

Casey smirks.

"I won't, I won't," she says, placatingly. "I just want to see what he looks like and secretly take a photo for us to throw darts at later."

Izzie chuckles.

"Oh!" She says, "That reminds me. There's this one partner that has sort of taken me under her wing. Mary. She's been with the company for ages and I think she's really passionate about mentoring younger female employees. They're really trying to groom more women and BIPOC people for executive roles so it's a big deal that she even knows my name."

"Shit, that's really cool Iz," Casey says, nearing the building and beginning to look for parking.

"Yeah. So if she talks to us we have to be like, really on our game."

"On my game. Got it," Casey grins, unphased.

And Izzie can't resist an affectionate smile. She's so glad to have Casey with her to help keep her calm and confident.

They park the car and walk down the busy sidewalk to the large stone building that houses the holiday party. It's a converted bank turned event center that has tall, thick pillars and an enormous stone staircase out front leading up to a large veranda with a view of the whole neighborhood. Bright light streams from the large, vaulted windows and happy partygoers amble in and out dressed in chic coats, suits and dresses. Izzie smiles and waves at several people as they make their way up the stairs with her hand wrapped around Casey's arm for stability.

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