Beomgyu just could choke the younger for this, for him at least, unnecessary information.

"Oh shit sorry." Hueningkai mumbles, clasping his mouth with one hand as he receives an dark gander.

"You know what, i think i'll just cancel my visi-"

"No you shouldn't!!" Beomgyu exclaims on the top of his lungs. He clears his throat after.

"What i meant is-"

📻"The way you look at me-"

"I mean-"

📻"I always find myself in your arms-"

"I wanted to say-"

📻"But you left me-"

"Can someone lower the volume please?" he ask since he cannot bring his remark on one point.

The car driver lowers the volume with a stony face.

"Thank you." the mullet smiles friendly to the front.

"What did you mean though? I honestly don't have a clue." Hueningkai says in distress, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I think he should ask Yeonjun first. I mean, he is the one who is his boyfriend and i don't know. It might hurt him when Soobin doesn't tell him."

Says exactly this one person who just broke up with this good looking artist without saying the truth. But Beomgyu has his reason.

"I guess, you are right." Soobin mumbles, nodding slowly to convince himself.

"Maybe i should tell him now... um driver, could you bring us to the KSJ Entertainment building?"

The driver nods shortly.

With that, the van bends to the other side with a sharp curved line, returning the other road side.

Beomgyu leans towards the car window, relishing the sight in the car trip. Seeing Soobin being smiley again makes him feel less worried.

But what about him?

How is it still possible to move one when he still is found in Taehyun? It is almost impossible for him to erase the blonde completely away.

"Gyu, but what if he get mad? He is already in stress. I don't want to douse another headbreaking news for him." Soobin consults the mullet while fiddling with his sweater's sleeve, looking down.

"So what? If he is gonna be mad, he ain't deserve you anyways."

Beomgyu acquires a soft snort of the older which makes him smiling faintly at him.

The van suddenly follows with only the singing voice of Taehyun.

Beomgyu gulps down his saliva as the he examine the smooth yet powerful voice that goes rent through his eardrums.

Taehyun sounds good like always if you may ask Beomgyu.

Remembering this old days where Taehyun kept humming soft melodies into his ear creates butterflies in his stomach. His voice is somehow shooting and full of emotion without him trying much. It's seems like this voice is given to the right owner.

And the brunette just had the guts to rip his fragile heart that throbs fastly only for him.

"Oh yeah, that's my favourite part- sorry." the curly blonde apologize right away after he earns another sinister regard.

This time it comes from Soobin.

The van goes silent again, only the harmonizing high note of Taehyun is audible at this moment. He sounds unreal, out of this world — maybe it's just means much for Beomgyu.

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