{Authors Note}

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Hi All!

This brings us to the end of Book 3 of the Head Above Water Series! If you've continued reading this far I appreciate you a lot and hope you have taken the time to really enjoy Arya as a character and the journey that I've put her on so far. I'll give you a hint, there's not much more uphill for her.

If you liked this story and the others please feel free to like, comment, or leave some constructive feedback! (I don't have an editor right now). I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors it has never been a strong suit for me and though I get better the more I write, I know I still have a long way to go. I genuinely hope it doesn't cause people to stop reading.

I love this book. I love Titans Curse, it's my second favorite in this first series. I loved writing this side of Arya because I feel like we get to see her almost in a different light in this story with the cast of characters and seasonal change. It's the last of the good times, it's the last of a childhood. This book really is the last chapter for Arya in the way of innocence and I tried hard to set that up throughout. As you'll come to see, this quest becomes a turning point for Arya in the grand scheme of things.

Thank you all, again, so much for reading, liking, and commenting! It's drives me to continue to write for Arya! As always, I hope you all are doing well and getting through the hard times one step at a time!

- Lots of Love, Nicole 5737

Instinct & Understanding// [Percy Jackson OC]// Book 3Where stories live. Discover now