{Chapter Eight}

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Maybe I'm lost/ Oh, maybe I'm lost
But at least I'm looking"
- Lost (Kris Allen)



AFTER EVERYTHING, Lee was by her side in a second, practically shoving ambrosia down her throat before the effects of getting hit by a lightning bolt could set in. She was lucky it worked because as soon as she felt the liquid go down her throat any pain she had went away. Lee was hesitant to let her get back up but Arya shooed him away claiming it wasn't the first time she had been hit by lightning. Thalia's was nothing compared to the wrath of Zeus she caused two years ago.

Once people started to disperse, the councilors were unable to get far before Mr. D called a meeting with all of them, along with Zoe, and Bianca as the two were seemingly thick as thieves now. Everyone settled down, and then Percy came running in, taking his seat next to Arya, not sparing her a glance. Only then Arya was reminded that at the end of last summer she had declared her and Percy co-councilors similar to Travis and Connor, so now while Percy was at camp, he was to be involved in the meetings.

"This is pointless." Zoe started off, as everyone sat around the table anxiously, no one dared touched the food other than Grover who could never resist himself. "There is no time for talking, Our goddess needs us. The Hunters must leave immediately."

"And go where?" Chiron asked. Arya nodded knowing fully well Chiron wouldn't send anyone out unless there was a solid plan.

"West!" Bianca said, with more confidence than Arya had heard from the girl, "You heard the prophecy. Six shall go west to the goddess in chains. We can get six hunters and go."

"West in a very broad direction, West could mean anything." Arya stated.

"Yes," Zoe agreed, ignoring the girl "Artemis is being held hostage! We must find her and free her."

"You're being very selective about which part of the prophecy you're quoting." Arya said again, this time actually gaining attention.

"Yeah the prophecy says hunters and campers need to work together." Thalia agreed.

"No!" Zoe said. "The Hunters do not need thy help."

"Your. Nobody has said thy in, like, three hundred years, Zoe. Get with the times." Thalia argued. Arya couldn't help but think that Thalia was petty.

"Yerrr." She forced out the foreign word "We do not need yerrr help."

Thalia rolled her eyes. "Forget it."

"I fear the prophecy says you do need our help," Chiron said. "Campers and Hunters must cooperate."

"Or do they?" Mr. D mused, swirling his Diet Coke under his nose he was wine tasting in the New York countryside. "One shall be lost. One shall perish. That sounds rather nasty, doesn't it? What if you fail because you try to cooperate?"

Instinct & Understanding// [Percy Jackson OC]// Book 3Where stories live. Discover now