{Chapter Twenty-One}

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"So give me hope in the darkness that I will see the light/ 'Cause oh that gave me such a fright
But I will hold as long as you like/Just promise me we'll be alright"
- Ghosts That We Knew (Mumford and Sons)



"You mean I didn't even get to say goodbye?" Arya asked, mood very downcast as she talked to Percy in the bathroom at a gas station in Oklahoma.

Arya had no issues getting out of the Underworld, and immediately hopped on Summer to ride back to camp, but when she stopped to use the bathroom, Percy called her to tell her everything that happened on Olympus. Thanks to the quest, Artemis got back in time and convinced the gods to officially take action against Kronos. He informed her about how there was a big debate between the gods on whether or not Percy, Thalia, and Arya should die. In the end Artemis stood up for them and insisted they stay alive. Bessie will be kept on Olympus, and Zeus wanted to keep that fact from Arya, but both Percy and Apollo pointed out that they need to stop acting like she's going to do something she hasn't, and Zeus gave up. The final thing he had said was that Artemis had offered Thalia a position as her new lieutenant, and she took it so she wouldn't ever turn sixteen,  passing the Prophecy torch onto Percy. Arya wanted to be mad that Thalia didn't take the same route as her in order not to put others in danger, but Arya knew not everyone would think the same way she does, and so instead, Arya focused her emotions on the disappointment that Thalia wasn't going to be part of their crew anymore. 

"I'm sure she'll be around. But she did tell me to say goodbye and to give you a hug for her."

"Well I think this was for the best."

Percy then went on to tell her about his conversation with Poseidon, who congratulated both him and Arya for what they did. Then Percy informed her that he had told camp, so all of Arya's stress to get back to camp as fast as possible disappeared. He also told Arya about how Athena doesn't like him and Annabeth's relationship and he didn't know what to do because he thinks he might like Annabeth. Arya said that they should save that conversation for a later date.

"So when will you be home?" Percy asked her.

"A couple days, I think I'm gonna take my time to myself. Maybe see some sights, I just need some alone time." She told Percy honestly.

"Can you tell me where you went?" He asked.

"I'll fill you in when I get back." She nodded.

Instinct & Understanding// [Percy Jackson OC]// Book 3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz