33. The less the more.

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My eyes weren't in my socket as they were popping out, What was happening?

Why was she coughing blood?

Rehman wasn't shocked that she was coughing blood. He was standing there looking at her. Is this because of the water bottle?

Because of the water bottle?

What was in there? “Rehman, please help her!” I murmured to him because it was hard for my voice to come out, my hands up in the air to help her. But hers defensively were in front to stop me or Rehman from coming and helping her. What is she doing?

The whole crowd was staring at us in shock. She fell to the ground and kept coughing when Rehman was standing, his hands down and his head down. His eyes not looking at her. While mine was just fixated on him what is he doing?

And why is he not trying to help her?

I squatted to help her but she was just coughing. Wait. She laughed as well. The blood was pouring out from her mouth. And she fell back and before she could fall on the ground Rehman caught her. And took her in his arms. Fury rising in me somewhere, envious of what I was witnessing.

I know I shouldn't be feeling this way. Not when I am a committed man. Nevertheless, I can't hold myself back. She was unconscious now as he was taking her making her sit in the car, I followed behind when he sat and drove off in front of me. I had no car with me here. So I took a taxi standing, outside of the deep alley on the roadside I asked them to follow the car. They all hesitated but the dollars I threw in front of them, made them follow it subconsciously.

Both our cars were at a distance, from each other.

They stopped at the outside hospital. The hospital staff was already waiting, I got outside, and I looked at him helping her get out. He helped her on the stretcher. The hospital staff and he had taken her to the theatre.

Did they know everything beforehand? If they did why did she drink it?

This is not right. I ran inside when I saw Rehman sitting outside in the waiting area. I approached him, he looked up at me with hatred filled in his eyes.

“Was it Kritika? Who did it?” was the first question from me.

“Partially yes.” He was unclear.

“What do you mean?” I asked him, as he shook his head, and stood, eyes red as he warmed his fist and raised in the air to punch me. But stopped right before my face. He grabbed my collar, while I grabbed his hands to stop me, “Stay the fuck away from her. You or anyone else! Don't deserve her. Go and tell your wife that she is dead. And if you won't tell her this. I will kill you and her, so maybe not Siya's but yours and Kritika's death news will surely reach Saya Hari.” And I understood the person behind everything.

“If she knew who was behind this and that water was poisoned, why did she drink it?” I asked him, he shoved me off.

“You'll know that when she will come behind you just the way your family and your ex-girlfriend have been behind her.”

“Why can't you just tell me everything?” I asked frustrated at the puzzle.

“Tell you everything? I would have. But I won't. Because. I want you, to get equally hurt as much as I get every time. Knowing that something is going on, but can't do anything. That feeling of helplessness. I want you to suffer it.” He pushed me.

I have never felt more helpless than today.

“Get lost!” he screamed at me once again and started to push me, yelling in my face to get lost. He kept pushing me as the guards came and started to ask us what was going on.

And I have no name to say, that why was I here? And who was she for me?

I was zipped quietly.

But his answer made me. “And Mr Who are are you of the patient?” the head guard asked, “I am her fianceé”

So they are engaged?

“Okay, man. You, come with me right now!” he started to drag me out of the hospital throwing me out of the gate. “Stay away man. If you are seen inside again. You will be handed over to cops.”  he gave me a warning. And started to go inside.

“At least can you inform me, how things go inside?” I asked the guard. When he raised his brow to me. “No. I can't do that,”


“Who are you of the patient?” He asked me once again. When I was supposed to be telling him my name.

“I am her sister's husband.”

The sister who tried to kill her.

“But her fiancee said he doesn't know you.” He raised his eyebrow again to me.

“He hates me. At least please just. Let me know if she is okay?” I begged him. And he nodded.

I heard a car pulling into the parking ground.

Making me turn unconsciously. “What are you doing here?” She asked me,

Why is she here? How does she know about this?

Does that mean what Siya and Rehman said before coughing and after that Kritika was the one involved in this? Was true?

“You are the one involved in everything? You are trying to kill her?”
I asked her questions continuously when she was not meeting my eyes. “You tried to poison her?” I again asked her.

“It wasn't me!” she yelled loudly at me.

“Then who? Who are you going to use an excuse?” I asked her loudly, she flinching.

“It's your mother! It's Radhika and it's Saya Hari!”

UNDESIRED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now