Chapter 1: A New Journey

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We looked through the castle library, trying to find any information on Atlantis. We looked all over, unable to find anything in the library. We prepared to give up until Yuki found a large red book, written by an explorer 100 years ago.

We all crowded around Yuki as she flipped through the book's pages, eventually finding the way to Atlantis.

"It looks like we need to head up north, into the land of dragons, go past the frozen tundra, and then we need to take a boat out to sea. It looks like this explorer found an artifact on a nearby island around that part of the sea that he believes originated from Atlantis, so we'll have to use this for now."

We all agreed to leave Aramore tomorrow morning and head north to find Atlantis. As we all left the library, Yuki grabbed my shoulder, wanting to ask me something.

"What is it?"

"Can we spar for a bit? I never stopped training since you left to fight the devil king, and I want to see how strong I've become."

I nodded my head.

"Of course, but I'm going to hold back since I'm a whole lot stronger than you."

Yuki and I headed to the training grounds preparing to spar. I pulled out my sword and entered a battle stance as Yuki did the same. I was the first to attack, lunging forward with a horizontal slash. Yuki blocked the attack, swinging her sword diagonally as I summoned my shield. I blocked Yuki's attack and pushed her back.

"Not bad."

Yuki charged at me and jumped into the air, doing a downward swing with her sword that I countered with my sword. I launched Yuki back and fired an energy blast from my hand, but Yuki reflected the blast taking me by surprise when the energy blast hit me with twice the strength it originally was.

I cleared the smoke, still surprised by Yuki was able to reflect my attack. I entered my battle stance, ready to spar some more.

I lunged toward Yuki and thrusted my sword forward, but she used her sword to move the trajectory of my attack and landed a knee strike to my stomach. Yuki created a clone that landed a punch to my stomach and fired an energy blast that sent me flying back.

I got up, unfazed by the attack. Yuki and her cloned charged at me, and I looked at them both, blocking the clones punch with my shield and Yuki sword strike with my sword. I created a burst of energy that sent Yuki flying back and caused the clone to dissipate.

Yuki got up, ready to spar some more, but I told her to stop.

"You know, I fought someone named Beelzebub in the Demon Realm. I'd say you're about equal in both speed and strength to him. Hell, I'd go as far as to say you could beat him in a fight."


"Yeah. You improved a lot since I left to head to the Demon Realm. Let's get some rest now. We have a long journey to make."

Yuki nodded her head, and we wished each other good night.

Once morning arrived, I headed to the dining room to eat breakfast, seeing Lucy with Matt and Leo, drawing on a piece of paper. They greeted me as I sat down, grabbing some bread from the table. As I took a bite of the bread, I asked what they were doing. Lucy was the first to respond to my question.

"We're marking down villages for you to stop at on you're away to the land of dragons."

I asked Lucy if she was going to come with us, but she declined.

"Since mother is dead and as the oldest of my sisters, I have to help Aramore fix the damage you caused."

Once Lucy said that, I remembered what happened that day, and I quickly apologized to Lucy for the damage I caused.

"No hard feeling. I know you didn't mean it, which reminds me..."

Lucy handed me a piece of cloth, and I unraveled it, wondering what she gave me. Selena's scabbard was what Lucy gave me.


"I figured I'd give you her scabbard, considering how you loved her."

"Thanks, Lucy."

I took out my old scabbard and placed Selena's red and gold one, asking my friends how it looked. They said it suited me, making me smile. Yuki walked into the dining room, asking why I had Selena's scabbard.

"Lucy gave it to me. Do you think it suits me?"

Yuki was hesitant to answer at first but eventually said it suited me in a sarcastic voice. Raolet entered the dining room, telling us the covered wagon was ready for the journey ahead. Yuki and I followed Raolet the wagon, seeing Ruby and Autumn load the wagon with supplies. I noticed Autumn holding a healing staff and asked why she had it. Ruby placed her hand on Autumn's shoulder.

"She asked me to teach her some healing spells so she could be useful to you guys. Besides, having two healers is better than one, am I right?"

I nodded my head.

"I also toughened her up, making her just as strong as Glarek the Orc."

As we continued talking, I noticed Leo and Matt coming but saw they were wearing new outfits. Leo's consisted of a black short-sleeved shirt and pants, a flowing turquoise vest that has a long backside tied with a blue sash, and dark brown gloves and boots, while Matt's outfit consisted of a dark brown shirt with a purple vest and long sleeves, with gray pauldrons on his shoulders, black pants and gloves, and brown boots.

Leo was in charge of the map while I was in control of the reins. Once everyone got inside the wagon, I whipped the reins to get the horses moving. We left the kingdom, heading north to Muara Village.

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