"Stop being so grumpy and mean and all the time." Nicole quickly climbed into the passenger seat while I strapped in the kids. She must've felt my eyes on her because she turned around, making eye contact with me. "And you should stop frowning so much." She suggested. "That causes wrinkles." She turned her face up, nodding at me as she spoke.

"You cause wrinkles too." My Mama laughed. "I don't know why you laughing. You stress me out just like she do."

She waved me off as I closed the door, getting in the drivers seat. "Can you turn the air on?" Nicole asked immediately before I could even turn the car on.

"I'm bout to, relax."

"I can't relax in heat."

"Yet you talking about going on Vacation." I twisted the air knob, turning it on full blast.

"That's not the same thing Taelor."

"So where you want me to take you, Backseat Lady?" I looked in the rearview mirror at my Mama. She insisted on Nicole sitting in the front and I thought it was funny to see her sitting in the back, between two car seats.

"I told you wherever y'all going."

"You need to go home and change?" I glanced over at Nicole.

"No" She looked down at her outfit, running her hands over her skirt.

"Well I do."

"Then why'd you ask?"

"You just told me to stop being so mean and grumpy all the time."

She laughed into her hand. "Shut up Tae."

"What's on the menu for Sunday Dinner this week?"

"I don't know." My Mama answered. "I haven't spoken to Yolanda since earlier in the week and she didn't tell me to cook anything." She explained. "Nicole, do you know?"

We both looked towards her. "Korea said something about Mr. Lenard putting some meat on the Barbecue Pit." Nicole filled us in.

"Oh ok" My Mama said in approval while I thought about the plate I planned to make. "He probably thinking about the kids going back to school soon."

The kids only had a couple more weeks before they had to report back to what they called prison. Taejin would be starting real school this year and I was super excited for my son. At the same time, I was in my feelings about him growing up so fast.

"Mhm, Korea told me to make some potato salad but I forgot." Nicole shrugged. "I'll just get some from the store."

"No you won't." I turned my face up, looking at her in disapproval. "Who want some store bought ass potato salad? Shit be crunchy as hell." She laughed but I was dead serious.

"Why don't you make it then?"

"Show me how and I will."

"I'll make it, Baby." My mama chuckled at us going back and forth. "You got the potatoes at home?"

"Yes ma'am, an entire bag full."

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