Taehyun keeps on missing every second beat, now sluggishly moving his arms, his feet shuffling to dubious steps.

He leads the front backdancer to lose the charge od energy they just had, keeping on distracting themselves right away.

Mr. Jung crosses his muscular arms over his chest after clicking his tongue.

"Taehyun, you bet-"


"You better shouldn'-"


"You shouldn't depend your-"

Taehyun smacks his lips, shaking his head but also tries to not make it obvious than it is already.

"You shouldn't depend your trust on a person who doesn'-"

"Go away please!", he fights with himself.

The song establish its climax which means the most difficult figure position : he has to weigh is body onto the dancers grip by letting his entire body carrying him.

The dancer slacken their wrist before get into the right formation.

"You shouldn't depend your trust on a person who doesn't even love you back."

A thorn pricks in his sensitive heart.

Taehyun is the only one who is still freezing on the same position, in the center, even though he should move to the left to build a aesthetical routine. His feet are basically glue on the ground.

But he shakes his head to clear his mind, making his way to the bunch of dancer who's already waiting for him.

Heeseung watch his friend with anxious eyes.

"There must be something up with him." he mumbles, earning a nod from one of the fellow dancer.

"I never loved you."

Taehyun seems puzzled, looking back and forth as he squinted his eyes.
He finally reaches the path.

Not only Heeseung but also the other backdancer detects him who's almost on his verge of breaking down in a crying mess.

Mr. Jung gaps his mouth slightly, his eyebrows knittened, his forehead wrinkled.

Mr. Park, another dance tutor, sneaks into the practice room to approach Mr. Jung.

Team X also walks in, eyeing the performing dancer in their practice mode.

"Hoseok, have you finished?" Mr. Park ask whispery.

"N-no hold on..." Mr. Jung mutters lowly.

Just in the exact time, Taehynu let himself fall on let the dancer to lift his body.

"Tyunie..." Heeseung mumbles from the edge but the owner of this nickname doesn't pay his attention a single bit.

"Let's bre-"

"Stop it!!"

Taehyun gulps, feeling queasy all of sudden as he is being lift up, his feet leaving the save ground.

The dancers spins around while holding the center up. Somebody even has to take his grip tighter since the blonde wabbles around somehow.

Yeji from Team X watch them in horror.

"Mr. Jung, I have a bad feeling about this..." the female says.

But the fierce tutor shush her.

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