Chapter 9 ( Memories )

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« Kaizo's pov »

When I come to earth I saw it was already morning . Sun was raising little by little . I went to fangs room , he was sleeping
It was good to see him fine . I go to kitchen and make some green tea for me . I seat on table with the cup of tea . I give an sip of It . The words of priest was running in my mind . I can't let this through out of my mind . I have an long conversation with priest . He was already aware with the situation coz he was already involved long ago . When this all started . He was the one who help father , and the one who give that locket which I give to fang . It was kind of an amulet blessed with blessings of goddess . I don't know this all well , but I believe this can help my brother . I never said to him nor anyone that how much I love him , I care about him . When I found that we lost our parents and home too . I was scared , I never want to loose my brother . I was hopeless helpless when maskmana rescue us . I was Failed to save my parents my home my people's my planet . When I found us me and fang alone . I was only 12 years and my brother was 3 years kid . That time I feel helpless I wasn't able to save my brother . I start working hard on my skills . Maskmana was my trainer our mentor . I start my training and my behaviour with my brother was turn into strict , hard , rude , and I was be an heartless brother for him . I only wanted to make him batter then me . I want to saw him stronger then me . I want him to stand in front of any situation without any fear . Like I wasn't able to fight with bora ra in the age of 12 , but I wanted to my brother stronger more then me . My Father everytime said me to practice swordfight but I everytime said no . I was very dependent on my parents since I was very young . My father was governor and an great sword fighter , An great fighter , an great leader . He was my inspiration he's still my inspiration . He was very reputed person of our planet . When he was live I only heard about his bravery and kindness . Still I whenever visit my home I still can hear about his sacrifice . My mother was very kind and nice person . She was spend her most time for our parenting . We was small and happy family . They grow me with there all efforts to make me an great person like them . And then an most beautiful day come to our life . When we heard that I'm going to be big bro . I was very happy and excited to play with my little sibling . I everytime saw my friends to play with there siblings . But I doesn't have one , it was feel empty and alone . For giving me an great future they're working hard . Sometimes mom and dad were very busy with there works and that time I was stay alone in home with my loneliness . That time I feels so alone and empty . My parents never let me feel lack of anything , but still an empty space was in my life , but now someone was coming to fill this empty place tooo . After some years that awful day come . When I come back to school and see my house messed . I found an powerspear hunter bora ra come to our planet and attacked on our hose for getting powerspear . My father was sacrificed his life for saving powerspear . Mom said me to go far away from this place . I obey . And what I get , my Perents dead bodies . They promise me they'll come to find us , but they wasn't come back anymore . I lost them . I prepare myself to fight against any situation any monster . Only for protecting my brother . But now I have a new enemy , I'm able to fight with her ,but then , when I can able to see her . I don't know where is she now ? What she'll do next ? And most important thing I just can't see her .

" captain u awake ? " An lazy voice interpret into my thoughts . I up my face to see who's there . I saw fang while rubbing his sleepy eyes .

" ahh..... Yesss..... I already awake . Don't you know my timing ." I said him in my usual attitude with him ." what are u doing here ?" I ask .

" I wake up soon . So I thought to come down "

" very well " I said and on my teb screen and take a sip of my tea .

" ahh.... Well captain can I ask you something " he said nervously as he seat on cher .

" yeah ... Go ahead " I said still looking at my tab . "

" Captain are you okay ? " He ask me , I can clearly sense his worry on his face .

" I'm fine pang . Why ask ? " I said with ban little smile .

" actually captain ....... I just thought , coz your not looking like usual . I know you properly but from yesterday your seems different " he said in his low voice .

" pang ...... I'm fine .... It's nothing for worry . And if there is anything like this so I'll tell you ."

" but captain ... I know there is something wrong . U can said me anything . you remember I'm your brother . I'm worried about you . " He said

" pang don't worry there is nothing like your thinking . I'm totally fine . And yess you're my brother , u have all the rights to know what is happening in my life . But still there is nothing to worry I'm fine " .

" okay captain if you're saying so I trust you . " He said with an smile . " It's good that you're fine " .

" hmm..... Good .... So there is anything else you want to say ."

" ahh.... Yess... Actually today my friends are coming for our summer homework , so they'll stay till evening . Is this ok captain "

" fine ..... And I also have an guest . So try to not disturb me "

" fine .... " He said and leave .

"sorry pang I lie . But I don't have any choice . I can't tell you now . But when will time come I'll definitely tell you Truth " I thought in my mind . And leave the kitchen and went to my room . " I hope he'll come soon ".....

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