chapter 1 ( nightmare )

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Kaizo's pov

" Where I am , why is so dark here ." I said while slowly opened my eyes .my vision was blurry . As I properly open my eyes , I found myself in my bedroom laying on my bed . But something was deferent , I'm not in my spaceship. It's my childhood's room which is in my home planet, planet gogibogi . But how it's possible , my planet was half destroyed after Bora's attack . And also my house . We build up our planet again with the help of TAPOPS and also my home , but it's not my new home , it's look like I'm in my childhood's room not newly build gogibogi's home . But how it's possible . When I was thinking about this all , I heard some voices like some kids are playing . I got up to my bed and start walking toward these voices , I passed through a very dark hallway .  At the end of this dark hallway I saw an door , I felt that noise coming from the back of that door . As soon as I opened that door, I saw that there were two children playing there, they were both of the same age and another boy was watching them, he was seemed older than both of them. I think I know that place , yes ,yess I remember this place it's gogibogi's city park . Fang and me love to play here when we both was kids . Suddenly I saw that girl fell and blood started flowing from her knees. But nobody paid any attention to it. The boy who was older than both of them was also with the other boy as if no one cared about that girl . That girl was crying while holding her knees , " may be she is in pain " I thought . I want to help her but something was stopped me  something was wrong . It's like my body is totally been stone I can't move an inch . Suddenly I show that girls full body covered with an dark aura . She stop crying and silently looking at her feets . She hold her head in pain ann " AHHHHHH. . . . . . . ". She screamed loudly . As she screamed everything in her surrounding Start destroying including her self also . I want to save her , help her but I can't coz I can't move an inch. After that destruction everything was dark again . I can't understand what ? Why? . Why I'm here ? What happens here ? I want leave this place but as I sat can't move. But why ? Why I can't leave this place ? Why I am here ? Who's that kids ? There are so many questions are in my mind that time . But suddenly I heard an voice . Like someone was crying no not someone it's like a group of people's are crying together . But why ? As I heard that crying voices , i can able to see everything coz darkness was gone and sunlight is in everywhere . That time I found myself in an weird place . I see some people's are crying  badly . And then I see an coffin . I thought that maybe they're crying for losing someone . Maybe it's someone's funeral . These very bad felling of losing someone , I know that felling . Suddenly something catched my attention , " that boys , I show them on that park . So where is that girl ." When I am thinking about this all I show everyone stop crying as well moving . When I'm show everywhere to see what happen , I show an little girl , who was sitting in an corner while holding her knees . I gaze at her . Maybe she also feels that someone was gazing her so she also gaze at me . I shocked to see her , she is that girl , who was in park that time . Before I say something she spoke " see no one is cared about me. WHY ? What is my mistake ? Why they always ignoring me ? WHY ? And see now I'm here like this " she said as she point her finger on that coffin box . As I move my head to see that box I got shocked , coz I see that girls body in that box . She is die so who was talking with me . I couldn't understand what to do ? What to say ? I was totally in shock . " But don't worry , I'm back and I'll teach them . I'll punish them " she said at looking at me . " Now I'll take that boy with me . Coz he's the reason of my this condition . He was. . . . . Only he's . . . . . . . . . " She said almost cry . " but why are u saying this all to me ? Who are u ? And why I'm here ? " I asked her . " WHAT YOU ARE SAYING WHO I AM ? U FORGOT ME ? HOW ? WHY ? " She yelled and her eyes are now glowing in dark . She continuously looking at me in anger . Like she want to kill me . " don't worry my poor thing u forgot me right ? But don't worry I say naa I'm here so now I'll remember u everything about me about us right ? And yess I'll definitely take him with me . No one is able to stop me this time . No one . Also u my poor thing . U can't do anything for him , this time . This time I'll take him with me and no one can stop me hahahaha. . . . . . . . " She said in her creepy voice and evil laugh . Now I understand who's she . Yess . . . . I know her , and also I know what she want to do . And I can't let her do this . And also I can't let him go with her . I know what going on here . " u can't . . . . U can't do anything with him . Until I'm alive . And I am here for stopping u " I said . " Hmmmm.... . . So let me finish u first and then. . . . " She said and attect at me with her dark powers . " Noooooooo. . . . . . . . "

" Nooooooooo " I screamed and got up to my bed.

" it's an nightmare" I said

I show everywhere right to left and left to right and I realised that it's a literally an nightmare . I think for a while " no I can't take it lightly . What If when this nightmare was true . No I can't take any risk . I want to go and check he was ok or " I say and run toward control room .

" lahap "

" lahap "

" lahap "

I screamed his name when I reach to control room .

" yess captain , everything is alright " an purple monster withe big mouth answered me 

" no. . . . Nothing is right , let's go to earth . "

" what ? But why captain ? "

" don't asked me questions , just do what I said "

" s--sorry captain ," he said and start spaceship toward earth

" forgive me captain for arguing with you . But can I asked why we're going to earth like this "

" I show an nightmare about fang . So I want to check it by my self that he was fine "

" ahhh ok caption . We will reach to earth after 2 hours "

" hmmm ok "

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