Chapter 5 📍

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When stiles realised that his dad was home early, he ran in side and says "Dad are you ok, you are home early".

"Yea I'm ok stiles, just found out that I have to go out of town for a bit and want to say bye" Stiles dad says

"Ok, well be safe... oh I want to tell you something" stiles say a little excited

"Yea what is it stiles" stiles dad says

As stile looks of at Derek and waves Derek over he says "this is my boyfriend Derek"

As Derek walks up to stiles and stiles dad, he puts his hand out to give stiles dad a hand shake and be a gentleman.

"Well nice to meet you and can you keep him safe for me" stiles dad say to Derek

"Yes I can and nice to meet you as well sir" Derek say

"Dad" stiles yells

"Don't call me sir, call me Noah" Noah says "well I better be on my way, I have a long trip ahead of me"

As Noah walks out he door stiles and Derek go and stand at the door and watch as Noah drives away. Once Noah is gone stiles shows Derek around the house when Dereks phone buzz 

"Who is it" stiles asks a little confused and worried because the look on Dereks face

"It is Brett... he found my Instagram" Derek say

"Well what does he want" stiles ask a little angry but more jealousy

"He just said Hi... don't be jealousy stiles I have blocked him ok" Derek say smiling at stiles

"Ok sourwolf" stiles says now smiling and laughing

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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