Chapter 4 📍

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Stiles come running over to Scott and the rest of the pack looking really happy.

Scott notice that Derek was walking behind Stiles smiling to himself.

"guess what" stiles says really excited.

"they Probably already know Stiles" Derek reminded him.

"you told Derek that your a Werewolf" Scott says.

"yea, but there is something else" stiles say.

"you two are mates and you are now dating" Theo says.

"yes we are" Derek says while smiling at stiles who is really excited.

"well we are very happy for you two"  Mason and Corey say at the same time.

stiles, Scott, Derek and Mason all have sport. they all leave very quickly what the bell rings because they don't want to run laps. when they arrive at class Coach Finstock walks in to the room and say "everyone get up we are going to do some exercise starting with running laps." when Stiles hears that they have to run laps he just huff and puff.

they start run and all stiles could think about was how he wanted to get closer the Derek so that he could get more of his smell. once they had finished running laps Stiles starts to look around for Derek and when he spots Derek he can see that one of the other kids in their class named Brett was flirting with Derek.

Stiles did not want to walk over and say something because he did not want to embarrasses him self, so stiles just listens from a distance and hears Brett say "hey I'm Brett, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date."

as stiles hears that he just want to walk over and punch Brett but he doesn't because he knows that it is him just be jealous. he keep listening to their conversation.

"No thank you. I all ready have a boyfriends" Derek say as he looks over at Stiles and smiles because he can smell that stiles is getting Jealous.

"you are dating that stiles kid" Brett asks

"yea I am is that a problem" Derek says getting defensive.

"yea you can do better, like you could have me" Brett says. after Brett says that Derek walks away because he has notice that stiles is really jealous and anger and Derek want to make sure that Stiles is ok and to reassure stiles that he is only his.

"hey babe, don't listen to Brett ok, you are all I need and want" Derek says trying to reassure stiles.

"I know. I just . hate the way he looks at you. I get really jealous" stiles says  trying not to cry.

stiles knows that Derek is his but he doesn't want to lose Derek.

"hey, let go. I will take you home if you want" Derek say.

"yes please" stiles says starting to cry.

as stiles start to cry harder Derek pulls him in to a  tight hug. when stiles pulls his head off of Derek's shoulder he saw a wet patch on Derek's Shoulder. "sorry" stiles say as he wipes the tears away from his eyes.

"don't be sorry for what you are feeling" Derek says.

as they start walking to stiles jeep Derek Says "if you want to talk I am here for you."

"thank you. its just I have some trust issues because when I first found out I was gay I dated Brett and well he just dated me as a bet so, yea I have trust issues sorry" stiles says starting to cry again.

"hey you don't have to be sorry. Brett hurt you and that's not your fault and I will never do that to you" Derek says while hugging stiles.

most of the drive home was silent until Derek turns the radio on. Some where only we know by Glee cast, Darren Criss comes on and stiles starts sing. "And if you have a minute why don't we go Talk about it somewhere only we know?" Stiles sing at the top of his voice Derek could help but smile to him self

"This could be the end of everything So why don't we go Somewhere only we know, Somewhere only we know?" Derek starts sing along with stiles when they arrive at stiles house and stiles realized that his dad is home early.

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