Chapter one: Lincoln

Start from the beginning

I may never see anybody again.

"You'll leave this evening." Emily continued. "I'll have Fred and Charlie supervise you as you get ready."

She gave me a long look, her expression softening.

"I've put a lot of thought into this placement, I think you're really going to like it. It's going to be really good for you." She said, gently.

With that, Fred and Charlie helped me to my feet and led me back to the small room I currently lived in.

"Leave me alone." I muttered, as the pair held my arms tightly as if I was a flight risk.

"Like that's going to happen." Fred shot back.

I glared at him and Charlie stopped and sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Lincoln, you will behave yourself. We're not going to give you any more chances." He explained again, softly. "Just trust us. I think you'll like this placement. It will be good for you."

I rolled my eyes, that's what they always said, until I messed it up again. I always messed it up.

"She'll really put me in a youth detention centre if it doesn't work out?" I asked scornfully.

"She will." Charlie nodded. "I said I would take you myself."

"She can't do this. I haven't done anything wrong." I growled.

"You put one of our residents in danger. You threatened a caregiver. You should be very careful about what you choose to do next, Lincoln because it'll be surprisingly easy to get you convicted." He explained with patience.

I frowned, thinking this through.

"Just promise me you'll give this one a chance." Charlie said as we reached my room.

I unlocked the door without a word.

"Lincoln?" Charlie asked. "You'll try your best, won't you?"

I raised my head to look at him, his eyes were full of hope.

"Do this for us." He continued. "If it goes well, we'll see if you can visit your sisters soon. Just give it a chance."

"You think I'd believe that?" I asked. "After all these years?"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. I wondered how tired he was of running around keeping me out of trouble.

"Just give it a chance." He repeated. 

"I'm not going." I shut the door in his face, turning to stare at the walls of a room I thought I had left behind.

The Home. What a joke. This place wasn't a home. And it never would be.


There was a knock at the door.

"Lincoln, open the door." Charlie said.

I ignored him, staring at the ceiling and wondering what my sisters were doing right now. Crying? I bet they were crying. Why had I gone? All I did was break their hearts and make yet another promise to break.

Another knock.

"Lincoln open this door right now." Fred demanded.

"You can fuck off." I shouted. "I already told Emily I'm not going to her stupid placement."

There was a sigh and the door unlocked.

"Where's your bag?" Charlie asked.

I ignored him and he sighed, picking up a suitcase and folding clothes swiftly, instructing Fred to fetch my toothbrush from the bathroom.

"I'm not going." I said, as I lay on the bed, motionless. "You can't make me go."

"We can, Lincoln. You know that. You'll like it, I promise."

"Stop saying that." I growled.

"Boy." Charlie said, a warning note in his voice. "You are on the brink of delinquency. I would strongly suggest cooperating this time."


"It'll be good for you."

I didn't bother saying that this place was no good for me. I didn't say I'd rather stay "on the brink of delinquency". I didn't say the only place I needed to be was with my sisters.

I could say it until I was blue in the face and it wouldn't make a damned difference. Charlie zipped my bag up and waited.

"Come on, lad." He said, calmly. "He's waiting for you."

I followed him, distancing myself so I could try and pretend I wasn't giving in.

If he thought I was just going to forget my sisters this easily, he had another thought coming. They all did.

As soon as I was able, I would find my way back to them.

I promised on my sisters' lives, I would find my way back to them. I wouldn't give up until I did.

I needed them. That much I knew for certain. I needed them like I needed air to breathe.

But I wasn't so sure they needed me.

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