Arriving at Cow and Calf 5 days later, I got my answer. Yes she was still alive and thanks to the coordinated efforts of the navy, passing merchant ships and local fishermen, all the passengers were safely disembarked back to Queenstown. But Celtic herself was still on the rocks. Her fate had been left in the hands of an insurance company and I'd just heard that they'd declared her a total loss. Scraping would commence tomorrow.

She appeared to be fast asleep when I approached her but she groaned and opened her eyes. "Olympic." She whispered. "Shh, save your strength." I replied. The tide was nearing its high and I could get a lot closer than I could last time. Close enough to nuzzle her.

I was shocked at how frail she felt. She shuddered at my touch. Sand Sickness was taking its toll on my faithful deputy. She coughed, and I saw her spit a clot of blood onto the rocks. "Celtic." I whispered, unable to accept the fact that she was dying.

"It was only a matter of time, Olympic." She moaned. "Celtic, no please." I begged. "White Star needs you, I need you." She sighed. "Trust your instinct, Olympic. You know of another worthy candidate." She said. I shook my head. "Celtic, please don't do this." I begged.

She raised her head up to nuzzle me. "Goodbye, Olympic." She whispered. She didn't speak again. Her head fell back to the rocks with a jolt, I managed to stoop below and catch it, gently nudging her back onto the rocks, out of the crashing waves reach.

Her eyes were still open, staring sightlessly at me, already dulled by death. I closed them carefully. "Goodbye, my friend." I whispered. Touching her bow one last time, I turned for Queenstown.

I arrived in Southampton a day later. Adriatic was nearby, I called her over. "Can you get Cedric and Baltic for me?" I asked. "There's something I need to tell you three." She nodded. "I'm guessing it's not good news?" She said. I shook my head. She sighed. "Alright, I hate to ruin Baltic's fun but I'll get her." She said.

She returned a few minutes later with Cedric and Baltic alongside. The latter was complaining about an interrupted prank. They halted in front of me.

"As of right now, the Big Four has become the Big Three. Celtic ran aground off Ireland last week and died yesterday." I said. Baltic moaned in grief, Adriatic bowed her head, Cedric threw her head back and let out a wail.

I gave them a minute to themselves. Adriatic was the first to speak. "Thank you for telling us, Olympic." She said, her voice breaking. Cedric and Baltic echoed her.

"There's a problem now though." Baltic said. "What?" I asked. "We have no deputy and with your responsibility in the Royal Navy, there may as well be no one to lead us." She said. I glared at her. "If I have to resign as leader of the navy to serve White Star the best I can I will do that." I growled. Yes I could resign if I needed to. HMS Victory did the same thing in 1818 to become fleet healer. Baltic nodded, lowering her head. "Sorry, Olympic." She muttered.

I nodded. "As it just so happens, I have an idea who will be the next deputy." I said. Adriatic looked at me for a long moment, our old connection still active despite EJ's death.

"A wise choice, Olympic." She said. "She's just who I would've picked too." Baltic looked back and forth between us. "Who? Come on you two, don't leave me hanging here, I thought I was in the circle too!" She complained. Cedric nudged her away. "You're a crosser, Adriatic's the line's healer she's allowed to know things that you don't." She said. Baltic reluctantly agreed and let her sister take her back to her berth.

"Most of the fleet is here, do you want to do it now?" Adriatic asked. I nodded. Raising my voice to address the surrounding White Star ships, I said "Ships of White Star, hear me now!" The chatter stopped as all the ships at the White Star docks turned to face me. Mauretania and Aquitania also showed their interest.

The Olympian Sisters #3 The Gilded AgeWhere stories live. Discover now