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"Did you hear that xiao!" you say shaking him "obviously not I was sleeping" he says sarcastically "damn sarcastic sally, anyway homecoming is on Friday!!" you say excitedly.

"So??" he raises a brow "We didn't go last year so I wanna go this year! Soooo I bought us tickets" you say shoving the tickets in his face "absolutely not." he says "but, but Xiaoooo please cmon it'll be cool just for the memories ya?" you say giving him your best puppy dog eyes.

"ugh fine" he says looking away "yes!" you whisper to yourself "y/n" the teacher says your name holding out a stack of papers "these are the students you will be tutoring and what they need help with" handing you a small stack

"Alright lets see, ok so Ch-Chongyun?" you say trying to pronounce his name correctly "Chongyun" xiao corrects "what i said. He needs help with math, anyways then Razor? he needs language arts, and i can't pronounce her name i feel so bad, Xi, Xing... Xingling?" you ask looking at xiao "Xingling" he corrects again.

"Ok and then she needs help with biology, and then there's bennett? I think I've met him before he needs help with all??? its just 4 kids i can do this with the help of my best friend!" You say looking at xiao "no"

"y/n you may leave class right now to discuss a schedule with said students" the teacher says "Alright can you give me their class numbers?" you ask "yes here and here's a note for each of the teachers."

"Alright the let's go Xiao!" you say dragging him out with you while Xiao looks unamused "ok so basically I took you with me to help with the names I cant pronounce!" you say smiling

"so chongyun first!" you say walking "its chongyun" he corrects knocking on the classroom door you step in with Xiao giving the note to the teacher "Chongyun please follow these two outside"

And then you walk out Chongyun not far behind you nervously stands there "If this is about the bird incident I take full responsibility-" he starts

"Pffft- im sorry im sorry are you confessing to us??? Yeah no thats not what we're here for im actually your tutor and I'm here to set up times for you to study" you say trying not to laugh

"But if i may ask, whats the bird incident-" you ask "it's nothing" he sighs "fine back on the topic what day do you want Tuesdays or thursday" you ask "uhh, I'll do tuesday" he says

"ok Tuesdays right after school in the library" thats all you say walking away to razors class

after doing all that your finally at bennetts class "Xiao im already tired and I dont wanna go back" he just ignores you and goes in the classroom.

Turning around to face Bennett but he trips on he own feet again so you grab his shoulders to stop him from plummeting straight into the ground

"alright bennett the only open part is Thursday 1 hour after school is that ok?" you ask "yeah id say so!" he says "alright see ya then" she says walking away

"does that mean we wont walk home together anymore?" you say sadly "no im gonna be with you helping the underclassmen i guess" he says "really!?" you ask excitedly "why would i lie???" he says in return

the week flies by like a blast snd here you are getting ready for homecoming you put on sup lip gloss cause you like the way ut looks and then xiao walks in

"howd you evem get in?!?!" you shriek "window. you should really lock it especially with that tree right there" he says nochalontly

"whatever" ans then an idea comes to your mind "hey xiao?" you ask turning his attention to you he says "what"

"well, i was thinking you should let me put on this lip gloss sonce you have such pretty lips!" you say getting up gesturing for him to sit where you were

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