Christmas Day - Marina

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"A coloring book and candy!" she shouts, walking over to her parents to show them her new coloring book proudly.

"Wow, that's so cool! Perfetta!" Carina exclaims, Maya, nodding her head in agreement with her lover's statement.

"Now yours momma!" she points to Carina. Evalise decided all on her own as she began to be able to speak words and sentences more as she was younger than now, Maya was 'mom' and Carina was 'mommy' and sometimes, 'momma'.

"Ok Bambina," Carina walks over to the two remaining stockings, taking hers. She would get Maya's for her to be the gentlewoman she is, don't get her mistaken, it's just that Evalise is so happy telling them, they let her.

"What did you get mommy?" the little girl questions.
"What did you get, mommy?" Maya says in a little sultry tone along with a smirk, Carina's mouth dropping open slightly at her boldness.

"I got..." she takes a quick pause, recomposing herself. "candle and cozy socks!" she smiles, seeing that the socks say 'bring me a glass of wine,' on the bottom.

"Mom! Your turn!" she almost yells towards Maya in excitement.

"Ok baby girl," Maya walks away from Evalise and Carina, grabbing her own stocking.

"I got champagne gummy bears and sunglasses!" she smiles towards Carina, knowing how much she loves those two things.

"Can I try one mom?" Evalise's voice brings Maya out of her trance.

"Uhhh maybe when you're 21," she tells her girl, knowing that these from sugarfina are actually made with a small amount of champagne.

"Ok then," she moves on, Maya glad she dropped the subject. It saddens her when she has to deny her daughter candy like that, especially when being given her own signature puppy eyes and pout back at her.

Many could argue who is the second baby of the family, Maya or Carina. Today on Christmas, however, most would probably say Maya. However, both Maya and Carina know they can get almost anything they want from the other with just a cute enough look, and unfortunately for them, Evalise is starting to pick up on that also.

"It's present time!" both women say in excitement, not wanting to wait anymore to see each other's reaction to their gifts. Some obviously for both are from 'Santa', as to not raise any suspicion from the little girl as to why her parents didn't get presents from 'Santa'.

The little girl bounces over the tree, unable to wait anymore to open her presents. She says every year that it's her favorite part. Well, this year, she was going to love her 'big present'.

"Hey Evalise let's open this one first," she points towards a box towards the front of the presents. While Evalise was so absorbed in events earlier in the morning, Danielle had slipped outside to get the present, quietly and quickly slipping it under the tree. One of the wives' friends Andy had been so kind to volunteer to bring it over this morning.

"Ok," she replies happily. Since she's little, and the box is a little big for her, she decides to open it there instead. Evalise, though 5, likes to show that she can be a 'big girl' and she's able to do things for herself.

"It's a puppy!" she exclaims, picking it up out of the box and though struggling to do so, holding it. Eventually, she lets it jump out of her arms and run around to explore the new environment.

"Yes, you like it?" Carina asks.

"I love it! Thanks, mom, mommy!" she runs over to the two to give them a hug.

"What do you want the name to be?" Maya bends down to her level.

"Boy or girl?"

"Girl," Maya confirms.

short stories - marina / stefinelle Where stories live. Discover now