V. interview, insta story

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february !


"my next guest this evening star in a new spy flic directed by zach synder, please give a very warm welcome to sebastian stan and blythe hemsworth!" james exclaimed, music began playing and sebastian and blythe entered the stage holding hands smiling as they waved to the crowd.

the couple sat down on the couch, sebastian's arm resting around blythe's waist. "thank you so much for coming," james smiled cards in his hand. "thank you for having us," blythe responded back with a smile.

"so first things first, you two made big news last month with sebastian's post for your birthday," the host nodded towards blythe. she laughed lightly feeling her face flush. "how is couple life for you then?" james asked expectantly. sebastian laughed, rubbing his chin, "very similar to what it was before, blythe and i had been close friends before we began dating," he said with the aussie nodding along.

"and it just so happened that you got cast in the same movie," james said. blythe shrugged, "and apparently your characters get very close as well," he continued. "yeah they do, a little romance beneath all the action," blythe replied. "nightmare to film," sebastian added causing the audience to laugh and blythe to nudge his shoulder while she rolled her eyes.

"so we're going to play a little game of shock therapy quiz, now hold these and i'll ask a question about one of you, if the other person gets it right, no shock, if you get it wrong then it is a shock!" james explained handing the pair the metal rods to hold. blythe hummed moving slightly further down the couch. "put these in your pocket," she told sebastian as she handed him her rings.

"so sebastian, what was blythe's first movie?" james asked, blythe looked at sebastian trying not to laugh as he rubbed his beard once again. "it was kick-ass, right?" sebastian said squeezing his eyes shut as he waited for the shock. "that is correct!" james announced and sebastian visibly relaxed. "oh god," blythe muttered as she waited for her question.

"now blythe, sebastian is from romania, where did he move to when he was 8 years old?" james asked. blythe huffed, "he got an easy question!" she exclaimed. sebastian just looked at his girlfriend with his eyebrows raised, "i've told you this before," he said, "i know but i get mixed up," she replied.

"okay uhm, new york," she answered, after a few seconds of anticipating a shock, she finally felt it causing her to yelp and jump slightly. "vienna," sebastian said. blythe rolled her eyes, "i was going to say that," she muttered.

"okay last one for sebastian, who was blythe's first roommate when she moved to new york?" james asked. blythe laughed loudly knowing he wasn't going to answer correctly since she hadn't told him about that before. "she's never mentioned a roommate before... i have no clue," he said sighing. the older actor let out a sharp gasp as he dropped the metal rod once the electrical current hit his hand. "it was gigi hadid!" james said and blythe just nodded.

"we'll be right back with our musical guest! thanks to sebastian and blythe for playing shock therapy quiz!"


blythehemsworth just added to their story!

blythehemsworth just added to their story!10:56pm

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𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐘, sebastian stanWhere stories live. Discover now