VIII. irl, insta story

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march !

BLYTHE'S MORNING HAD BEEN hectic. she woke up late, very late and had to rush filming for a self-tape, then she had to basically run to her manager's office for a meeting. the brunette still had to tidy her house and get ready to meet sebastian. saying she was stressed was an understatement but thankfully she had an hour to spare in between her meeting and catch-up with sebastian.

she threw on a pair of jeans and a nice top before shoving her dirty dishes into the dish washer and cleaning her counter off. blythe did this with a toothbrush hanging out her mouth and half a face of makeup on. music blasted from her television as she ran about trying to tidy up her messy apartment. they had agreed to meet at her apartment and spend they day watching movies rather than going out, which blythe was more than happy to do.

her phone rang loudly interrupting her flow but she was close to being ready, when blythe picked it up she was met with the familiar voice she had listen to a few nights back for hours. "hey seb, how are you?" she asked slightly out of breath from running about. "i'm good, i'll be there in ten minutes just to let you know," he replied, slightly confused on why blythe sounded as if she had just ran a marathon.

blythe rushed him off the phone to finish up and thankfully it was just enough time. two loud knocks came from her door just as she straightened out the cushions on her couch. jogging quickly to the door, she opened with a bright smile meeting the familiar gaze of sebastian. her smile was reciprocated as he greeted the brunette, blythe opened the door more telling him to come in.

"how was your flight?" she asked watching him take his jacket off, holding her hands out offering to take it. "it was alright.. thanks," he answered, handing the denim jacket over to her. "that's good, make yourself comfortable i'll be two seconds," she mused with a smile, walking to go hang up his coat. he scanned the apartment, noticing the many houseplants scattered about, along with the walls which were cluttered with photos of blythe with her friend and family and the bright art prints.

it felt very homely which sebastian liked, as he walked round the living room. records were stacked neatly in a corner and shelves were full of trinkets and sculptures. "so how's filming going then?" blythe asked coming back into view. "it's going well mostly the stunt work the now so i'm glad to have a break," he replied watching her move into the open planned kitchen. "i can imagine," she nodded in agreement before offering a drink.

blythe took out two mugs from her cupboard and setting them on the worktop, and letting the kettle boil. "do you stay in new york often?" he asked leaning against the table. "yeah, i usually split my time here and in australia unless i'm away filming," she explained placing a teaspoon of sugar into her mug along with a tea bag in both. "but this is more of your home city right?" she asked back.

sebastian nodded in reply as she poured hot water into the mugs. "i like it here but it can get lonely since my family and friends are all over the place," blythe smiled thoughtfully stirring the tea for a few seconds each. "well now you've got me," sebastian countered quickly, a slight blush tinted his cheeks. blythe laughed lightly, "thank you," she spoke softly, pushing his mug of tea over the counter.

"so pizza for dinner?" she asked quickly clearing her throat. sebastian nodded before they both moved to the couch, settling down and getting comfortable. blythe stuck on netflix, taking her time to scroll through the endless amount of movies and tv shows. with a sigh she handed the remote over to sebastian, who gave her a confused look. "you can pick," she nudged him causing him to roll his eyes.

the rest of the night, the pair went back and forth picking movies, slowly moving towards each other. they made pointless commentary about each others picks, which usually made blythe jokingly roll her eyes and stiffle her laughter.


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