XV. imessage, irl

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may !

seb😳 + blythe🤩

text me when you land
delivered 5:32pm
i'll get you at your gate <3
delivered 5:33pm

just landed thank you for
picking me up
i'll be out in a minute

excited to see you again

me too, i've missed you
a lot

so have i


SEBASTIAN STOOD NERVOUSLY WAITING to see blythe emerge from behind the doors, with her suitcase he had helped her back two weeks prior. he had been getting regular text messages from her during her break but with the time differences it was hard to have a normal flow to a conversation. as much as he didn't want to admit it, he had missed seeing the australian brunette on the couch, curled up watching a movie together.

blythe's heart was racing as she neared the doors that led to the exit of the airport, where she knew sebastian was standing waiting for her. after spending time away from him, she had been excited to finally spend time with him. they had became very close over the past months and it was freaking blythe out. she found herself thinking about the romanian actor more and more as the days went on, and it was beginning to confuse her.

and now that she was back from visiting her family she would be spending nearly all her time with sebastian as they were beginning to prepare for their film.

she thanked the woman holding the door politely, her heavy suitcase dragging at her heels while her eyes scanned the small crowd of people that were waiting to see their own loved ones. a few seconds later she noticed the fluffy brown hair and tall height of sebastian standing at the side near the doors. their eyes lock and both can't suppress the smile that had made its way onto their faces.

blythe's pace quickened as she made her way over to where he was standing. sebastian moved closer, and soon enough he had engulfed the hemsworth sister into a tight hug. she dropped her suitcase almost immediately, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. she giggled quietly when he picked her up from the ground with ease, swaying back and forth.

when her feet hit the ground and both pulled away from the embrace, blythe's face flushed pink. "hi," sebastian breathed, laughing slightly. "hi seb," she smiled softly. he leaned over picking up her suitcase, his free hand on the small of her back as they walked out the airport.

the drive back to blythe's apartment was filled with quiet chatter of what blythe did when she was at australia with her family. sebastian laughed at one of the stories about her and chris, blythe watched his mouth turn upwards and his eyes crinkle.

he parked the car and they sat in silence for a few moments. "i really did miss you," sebastian finally broke the silence, turning to face blythe. she laughed lightly rolling her eyes, "as you've said many times but i missed you too," she smiled. her eyes glanced at his lips quickly before speaking, "thank you for picking me up,"

"my pleasure," he said quietly. blythe found herself leaning towards him slowly. sebastian grasped her hand, his eyes not leaving hers as they moved closer, but before anything else could happen her phone buzzed loudly interrupting them. "sorry it's hunter, i said i'd meeting her tomorrow," she mused, focusing on her phone.

"i better go, thank you again seb," she mumbled, before placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐘, sebastian stanWhere stories live. Discover now