XIX. insta story, irl

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august !

blythehemsworth added to their story!

blythehemsworth added to their story!5:58pm

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BLYTHE SIGHED NERVOUSLY as she stared at her reflection through the bathroom mirror, applying a layer of her lip gloss. the time was slowly ticking to when sebastian would be picking her up, it was safe to say she was very excited for the night a head but she was also nervous. it had been a while since the last time the aussie went on a date. after her breakup with timothée she had made a promise herself to not rush into anything again, but sebastian felt different.

she checked her phone once more seeing that he had left a message saying he was on his way up. her heart skipped a beat before she rushed from the bathroom to her bedroom to find her shoes. two loud knocks came from her front door the noise of it opening, "hey you ready?" sebastian called out from the hall. "just getting my shoes!" she replied, before grumbling to herself as she searched the bottom of her wardrobes for her docs. blythe let out a small huff once she finally found them under a pile of clothes she had been meaning to put away.

grabbing her boots and jacket she made her way through to where sebastian was. "hey, sorry couldn't find my boots," she said quickly before meeting his eyes. he looked stunned for a moment before his expression changed to a smile, "you look... amazing," he said. blythe laughed under her breath while pink rose to her cheeks, "not so bad yourself," she replied, causing sebastian to mirror her reaction. blythe cleared her throat quickly and moved to the couch to put her shoes on.

"so where do you want to go?" she asked while lacing up her boot, glancing up to the tall romanian, "uh well i booked that italian restaurant we always walk past," he said. blythe smiled, nodding in agreement. blythe quickly locked up her house before the pair made their way down the stairs towards sebastian's car, chatting about how their day had been just the usual mundane conversations.

sebastian parked a few minutes away from restaurant meaning they had to walk the short distance. the streets of new york were just as busy at night, blythe felt sebastian's hand brush her own a few times as they walked down the streets. she ignored the nerves that were bubbling up and slowly grasped his hand, interlocking their fingers. blythe quickly kept talking, looking forward, sebastian however kept his gaze on their hands for a moment before moving it to her face with a small smile.

the pair were sat in a booth near the back of the restaurant, soft instrumental music played through the speakers and quiet chatter filled the room. both blythe and sebastian found themselves surprisingly at ease with no awkwardness around their conversations. blythe laughed loudly at his jokes and blushed easily at the small compliments he gave her.

"i fully thought you just liked me as a friend, i was kind of in denial about my feelings," blythe told him before taking a sip of her drink. "me too, if it wasn't for anthony making me admit it i'd probably never have asked you out," he admitted nervously. blythe sent him a comforting smile, "well thank god for anthony mackie," she joked causing him to relax and laugh along with her.


after their romantic dinner, sebastian drove the pair back to blythe's apartment. she grasped his hand once they had left the car dragging him up the stairs, "i'm sure i've still got a bottle of wine you brought over," she hummed giving him a sly smile. he chuckled, shaking his head "well lets hurry up then," he muttered into her ear, his breath tickling the back of her neck.

blythe went straight to the kitchen once the door was unlocked, letting sebastian settle in the living room while she found her wine glasses and bottle of red he had left the last time he had visited. grasping the glasses tightly, she kicked off her shoes and padded through to meet him in the living room. the tv was on with the volume down low. she sat down next to him and handed his glass over getting a thanks in return.

sebastian slowly wrapped an arm around the brunette's shoulders while they watched her tv. blythe leaned into his embrace, trying to hide the smile that was beginning to form on her face. sebastian glanced down, blythe could feel his eyes on her so she slowly moved her gaze to meet his. blythe could feel nerves begin to grow in her stomach, slowly their faces got closer and closer. her eyes fluttered shut as she felt his hand on the side of her face caressing her cheek.

finally their lips touched and blythe leaned into the kiss. sebastian pushed back and blythe let herself fall back so she was lying on the couch. the kiss deepened and the aussie wrapped her hands around his neck loosely. when the kiss broke, sebastian let his forehead rest against hers as they both caught their breath, both of them smiling as they stared into each others eyes.

𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐘, sebastian stanWhere stories live. Discover now