II. insta story, irl

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january !

blythehemsworth just added to their story!

blythehemsworth just added to their story!5:08pm

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BLYTHE EXITED THE CAR, HER MANAGER following quickly behind as she made her way to the red carpet. she grasped her black skirt tightly pulling it up so her heels didn't catch on the long fabric. she could already see the bright camera flashes and shouts coming from the press, so by the time she made her way onto the red carpet she had braced herself for it and swallowed down the nerves that was rising.

putting on her best smile, she placed a hand on her waist posing for the press turning to her right and left every know and then. she began to walk down the carpet a little moving on, what she failed to notice was her brother chris making his way down to her quickly. giving her a gentle poke at her waist causing blythe to squeal loudly and spin round to see who it was. immediatly noticing it was chris she gave him a punch, "i hate you so much," she grumbled getting a loud laugh in return from him, "good to see you too,"

they stood together letting the press get a few more photos of them together that wasn't blythe getting ready to hit him, before she left chris and elsa alone and moved away from the red carpet and into the venue.


the show had begun, blythe had to sit and watch nervously as the awards got handed out waiting until her category finally appeared. thankfully she knew it would be soon but still had enough time to quickly go to the bathroom. blythe grabbed her skirt quickly walking backstage, her heels clicking along the floor as she navigated through the maze of corridors.

pushing through the doors she gave her self a quick look in the mirror, patting on her powder for a touch up. she gave polite smiles to the people coming in and out while she took a deep breath to calm her self down. giving herself a nod of reassurance she left the bathroom, her mind pre-occupied which meant she was not paying attention until she felt a hot liquid being splashed onto her chest. with a sharp gasp she looked down to see the white part of her dressed covered in coffee.

"i am so sorry, oh my god are you okay?" a soft voice rambled on while blythe tried not to let any tears out at the fact her dress was now stained and ruin. "i'm okay, it's all good don't worry about it," she smiled kindly to the young girl who looked as if she was also going to cry. after apologising a few more times blythe walked down the corridors, a few tears finally escaping. "fuck," she muttered under her breath when she suddenly hit another person in chest.

she quickly wiped the tears off her cheeks before looking up. she was met a pair of concerned blue eyes staring down at her before looking at the large stain on her dress, thankfully it was sebastian stan who she had met a few times before because of her brother's role in marvel. "are you alright?" he spoke, placing his hand gently on her shoulder. the brunette took a deep breath in before speaking, "yeah... i uhm... i was walking out the bathroom and bumped into someone and now i have coffee all over my dress, and the nominees are about to get announced and i really don't know why i've just rambled so much," she breathed out.

he listened intently and checked his watch quickly. "here, take my suit jacket," sebastian took off his black suit jacket handing it over to blythe who looked up to him with shock. "oh no, i couldn't," she mumbled holding it lightly in her hands. the pair had met a few times in passing at parties and events but never really had a full conversation with him. he smiled shaking his head pushing the jacket back over to her, "please it's the least i could do," he insisted.

blythe quickly went back to her seat, sebastian's suit jacket successfully hiding the large stain of her dress. she looked over to see chris giving her a confused look at the sudden outfit change but she mouthed a 'i'll tell you later' before the music began to play and the two presenters made their way onto the stage. taking a quick breath she listened intently to the list of nominees being read out.

"and the winner is... blythe hemsworth for beautiful crimes!" they both shouted at the same time followed by loud clapping from everyone. blythe sat in shock before getting up, chris ran over giving her a tight embrace before letting her go as she made her way up to the stage. with shaking hands she took the award with a bright smile. "oh my... uhm this is a lot, i want to start off by saying thank you for this award, and thank you to all the support i've been given," she smiled looking down to the audience meeting a certain pair of blue eyes.

she went on to thank her family, friends and the crew. "and to james, thank you so much for everything over this project, i'll see you at the afterparty!" she giggled before making her way off the stage where her manager was standing with a grin plastered on his face. he dragged her over to the interview room, but on the way she seen sebastian without his jacket, "you're a life saviour, i owe you," she said quickly before being dragged away.

𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐘, sebastian stanWhere stories live. Discover now