36. Say something

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It was the day of the wedding and Nini couldn't stop her knees from bouncing the whole car ride to the beach where the ceremony was taking place. It wasn't like she was going after not seeing any of her family for three years, but even knowing two of her siblings were already on her side, she was still terrified.

"Just relax, don't worry, it'll all be okay," Ricky whispered in her ear, his right hand resting in her lap as she squeezed it. "Did I tell you how beautiful you are today?" he added mischievously, swapping his hands so his left hand was now resting in her lap and his right arm was wrapped around her shoulders, running up and down her arm.

Nini smiled, "You're such a dork."

"But I'm your dork."

"You are," Nini giggled, but the smile on her face faded as the beach came into view. Suddenly she felt her heart drop as she hold onto Ricky's hand tighter. "They're my family, I shouldn't be this nervous, right?" she said under her breath, any trace of humour gone.

"It'll be alright, I'm right beside you," Ricky reassured her for the nth time that afternoon.

For the first time in her life, Nini was glad that she didn't own a car. The parking lot was so full that some guests had to park upside streets and walk a short distance to the beach. Ricky and Nini got out of the cab and headed towards the stairs that would lead them to the sand. As they walked down the stairs, Nini noticed that the beach was already filled with guests, hundreds of people there that she didn't know along with her family and she just felt her anxiety rise even higher than it already was. There was the bride's family on one side, and her own family on the other.

Nini's heart leapt in her throat when she didn't see Hailey's short auburn hair until she remembered her sister was one of the bridesmaids.

The brunette avoided the front row at first, but once her eyes had skimmed over everyone, it became impossible not to look.

She spotter her moms immediately, chatting with the minister. They didn't seem to notice her in the back row, so she took the opportunity to just stare at them.

"Are you okay?" Ricky asked her quietly. Ellie was at his feet, sitting patiently, waiting for her next cue.

Just as she was about to open her mouth to reply, her birth mother's head turned and their eyes met for the first time in almost four years. Nini saw the smile on her mother's face drop, her expression unreadable. Dana Salazar-Roberts gave her wife a little nudge and Nini's other mom, Carol, turned around too. Her jaw-dropping before they all directed their attention to the aisle as the ceremony started.

"I'm fine," Nini lied, gripping Ricky's hand again.


Despite her current state of mind, Nini had to admit it was a gorgeous wedding. The bridesmaids had beautiful dresses, all a dark purple and ending just above the knee, but the bride stole the show. If Nini could look half as good as her on her wedding day, she'd be a very happy lady.

"We should congratulate them," Nini murmured, more to herself than Ricky as she led him towards the front of the church. Her moms had their backs turned, speaking to other guests, so it was a little easier for Nini to make her way over without interacting with them. There was a bright smile on the bride's face - who she learnt just an hour ago's name was Kayla - that seemed to light up the whole room, and Nini focused on that instead of her nerves.

"Hi! I'm Nini, I'm Tyler's sister and may I just say that you look stunning!" the brunette told the bride, introducing herself in the process with a smile plastered on her face.

Kayla blushed, "Oh I know who you are Nini, your brother's told me all about you these past couple of weeks after you guys started talking again, even showing me your beautiful baby boy! Where is he by the way?"

"Oh he's at my friend Carlos'. figured it'd be best that way since he doesn't do too well with sitting still, although he has gotten better with this guy around," she says gesturing to Ricky who was standing by her side. "He could sit in his lap cuddling him all day. It's truly the most heartwarming thing to witness, but we will bring him to the reception, at least until he gets cranky."

"That'd be great!" Tyler piped in, finally deciding to join the conversation once he decided that he'd spent enough time admiring his wife's beauty. "He'll a bunch of other kids to hang out with too so it won't be too dosing nor him. Kay has a lot of siblings and they've all got kids."

After another moment of talking, Nini looked behind and noticed the growing cue behind that was waiting to talk to the newlyweds, "Sorry, we're holding up the line, we'll see you guys at the reception, yeah?" Nini asked.

"Of course, It was nice meeting you!" Kayla exclaimed, giving her a hug, Nini reciprocating it as the two men shook hands to say goodbye.

"You too! And it was nice seeing you again Ty," the brunette smiled, before taking Ricky's arm again and strolling away, purposefully walking in the opposite directions of her parents. She knew she wasn't ready to speak to them yet.

However, Carol and Dana had other ideas as they walked over to the young couple.

"Nina," Dana spoke first, her tone way too formal.

"Mama D," Nini said weakly, finding herself gravitating closer to Ricky. He rested a firm hand on the small of her back but otherwise, he remained silent next to her. "Mama C," she added, glancing between the two women, "It's been a while."

"Yes, it has," Mama D replied with a forced smile.

Nini stayed silent for a moment before she took a deep breath and looked up at Ricky, then back at her parents again. "This is my boyfriend, Ricky Bowen," she said with a little more confidence.

"Oh," Dana took in Ricky's tall frame, the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and the harness around Ellie's torso.

Her lips thinned.

"Nice to meet you ma'am's," Ricky grinned.

There was more awkward silence until finally, Nini took a deep breath, unable to take it any longer. "Well, we have to and get my son now..."

She turned her back on her parents, ignoring the pained look in Dana's eyes, and the way Carol opened her mouth to speak. Nini had small hopes they'd say something, but neither of them spoke up as she walked away.

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