29. With all of my heart

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Ricky followed Nini into Xavier's bedroom. They had just talked about what happened in the park and felt they need to chat with the little boy. Ricky kept a few steps behind Nini, his mouth twisted in a worried frown. Nini took his hand before knocking on the door and he almost pulled away.

"Hey, can we talk to you?" the young mother asked.

"No," Xavier murmured in response, his voice barely audible through the door.

Nini's hand twitched in Ricky's and he gave it light squeeze, comforting her.

"Please, baby? We're not upset, we just want to talk," the brunette attempted once more.

The couple heard shuffling on the other side of the door before it was opened, only partially, but enough for Xavier to stare up at the two adults, his eyes wide and scared.

"Do you want to come out?" Nini asked.

He shook his head.

"No? Well, can we come and sit with you on your bed?" she tried again.

Xavier nodded and with the affirmation, Nini pushed the bedroom the door wide open, tugging Ricky inside. While Nini sat on the bed and pulled her into her lap, the curly-haired male remained standing a little ways away, not sure what to do with himself.

"Were you scared today?" Nini asked, starting the conversations she'd been dreading to have ever since Ricky and Xavier got back.

Xavier nodded.

"Of course you were," Nini murmured. "You know, we'd never let anything bad happen to you, right?" she asked, her voice sounding a lot clearer to Ricky. He figured she had to be looking at him right now.

"Daddy was mean, he said a lot of bad words. He hurt Ricky."

Letting out a shaky breath, Ricky crossed the small bedroom to crouch down in front of Xavier, their eyes level with one another. He rested his hand on the little boy's lap, who immediately grabbed a hold of said hand. Wrapping both of his little hands around it tightly.

"I'm okay buddy, don't worry about me, I'm a tough guy," Ricky said with a forced smile.

"I thought he was going to take me away. Mama, I don't want to see daddy anymore." Xavier whispered.

"You don't have to," Nini said, her voice cracking and Ricky immediately knew that she was crying. He bowed his head, feeling his own eyes well up.

There was a long stretch of silence, during which Ricky took the opportunity to sit on the bed so that Xavier was between him and Nini now.

Xavier broke the silence, murmuring sadly, "I wish you could be my weal dad."

Ricky wrapped his arms around the toddler's shoulders, and pressed his his lips to the top of his head. "I might not be your real dad, but that doesn't mean I don't love you like one," he whispered.

"You do?"

The man nodded, "With all of my heart."

Xavier beamed and latched onto Ricky for dear life, like he did back at the park. After a moment, Ricky buried his face in his hair and held him tight, mentally telling himself that he's never leaving this kid.

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